• I lay there crying

    My life was over

    My love was gone

    My heart was broken

    My soul was torn

    The sun had left

    As had my will

    It was summer romance

    And just like a star shooting brightly across the sky

    my love was gone in a bright and beautiful flash

    He was all i had left

    All i had to my name

    The only one i loved

    I was out of time

    My life like my love was ending

    The breeze brushed past my skin

    The grass grazing my face

    I stood up and began to sprint

    The edge grew closer and closer

    I ran faster and faster

    I could see the water at the bottom

    I could felt the ground begin to disapear

    I jumped

    Pushing myself forward

    The air twisting my body

    The air rushing out of my lungs

    The sunset in the sky

    The full moon seen lightly against the clouds

    The sun disapearing in the distance

    The sun would come back

    But i would not

    I would forever be a distant memory

    Lost in the mind's of others

    Just as he was to me

    Forever Gone but Always a Painful Memory