• Once upon a time there lived a girl named Roselin Bear
    she was as beautiful as an amazing and nice rose
    she was nice as sweet as a Honey and Smart like a Dog
    She was a top student in her school until she became valedictorian
    in her grade school after that she went to Middle School.............

    After she graduated in Grade School her attitudes has changed
    since her last attitudes we all know that Roselin Bear is beautiful,
    sweet, smart and nice but it changed to "Sour as an Onion Cruel as
    a snake and disgusting like a POOP" That's because of her jealousy

    Before those attitudes came this the story............

    She went to middle school this spring she was so beautiful all
    of the boys in their campus liked her all of them there were rich and some
    are billionaire and some are multimillionaire but one day Roselin
    fell in love with a multimillionaire boy that he changed Roselin's
    Attitudes but their relationship didn't last.................

    One day when Roselin went jogging in the night she saw her loved one
    having another girl with him that's the time she decided to change her attitudes..
    she told herself ; "I should have revenge to my sweet love" but after that she went to school
    and she set chaos in her school and when she got to the school garden some
    College boys raped her and digged a hole in the garden and buried her
    body after that all the student to pass that garden always saw a
    Black flower after 2 weeks they know what is buried there it was Roselin Bear the beautiful to Jealous that's the legend