"come on!" she shouted exited,"were going to be late." and with that Carrin bounded out the door and into the front yard. "what taking you so long?".
"it takes a while to find these darn things!" i sighed.
we were supposed to go to the anual summer festival, today was the last day that it would take place because the last 4 days. we couldnt go the first three days because of Carrins fever.
"now were is my bag?" i muttered as i searched for it. i felt the smoothness of the table as i ran my hand along it searching for the fine rough string handel if my bag. " i though i left it here somewere"
Carrin walked back in with less exitement to her and sat down on the other side of the table. " if you keep this up were never going to get there in time for the play."
i felt a wave of curriosity fall upon Carrin, and before she could ask i answered her question." im looking for my bag."
"its on the chair to your immediate right'' she said exasperated. i felt frustrated at her tone and looked strait at her, about to say something, when i felt her exasperation turn to shame. or was it pain?
she spoke"it hurts"
"what hurts?" iasked asked her worried.
"that icy stare you give people whenever your upset or try to read them'' Carrin answered emphasising on the word 'read'.
i rolled my eyes grabed my bag through it over my shoulder and started walking towards the door "come on, we should hurry"
unusual twins ch.I
i wrote this once before i fell to sleep sometimes scenes just come to me and if theyre realy good i write them down also this has 3 chapters to it and they are small
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