• "Let’s go. Berry you will have to ride on Shadow. Star if you do not mind I will carry you." I tell them. "Yay!" Berry shouts out as she climbs up on to Shadow. I pick up Star and turn back to the gang. "It was nice to meet everyone." I say. I start running in to the forest with Shadow right by my side. We kept running until the sun started to set. "Gift can we stop now? My butt is getting sore and I'm sleep-" Berry yawned, not needing to finish her sentence. "Sure. It’s not like we would get that much farther anyways." I say stopping underneath a big tree. "Is it that time already?" Asked Shadow, bending down so Berry could get off of him. "Yes. So I need you to stay in that form and protect us, If you don’t mind." "Of course not. I've been taking care of you my whole life and I am not about to stop now." I went over to Shadow and started to pet him. "What are you two talking about?" asked Berry. I could see Star looking at me with interest wanting to know the same thing. "You will see soon enough. I need you two to stay with Shadow all night no matter what though. I won’t be able to protect you. Not tonight anyways." I say looking at the night sky as the moon started to rise. As it got higher I could feel the bones in my body start to transform in to those I was so familiar with. My whole body started to shrink while Berry and Star watched on in amazement and wonderment. Soon in my spot there was only a pile of clothes on the ground with a bump in the middle. Of course that was me. I started to wiggle around to get out from under there. I could do it by myself after so long but I guess Berry really wanted to see what happened. She came up to the clothes and moved it aside to reveal a cat. "Ummm...What happened to Gift?" Berry asked confused. Well Of course since I can’t talk to anyone except other cats when I'm in this form all I could do was meow and stare and maybe she would understand me. "Meow!" I said and looked at her trying to tell her that it was me. "Gift!?!" She asked me with wide eyes. I nodded at her. "So this is what you were talking about?" Again I nodded at her. "You look so cute!" She said picking me up and swinging me around. Of course this made me dizzy so I started to meow loudly at her. "Oh sorry!" She said and placed me on the ground. The world was spinning and I could not walk straight. I took a step forward and I tripped right over. I looked up at her and tilted my head to the side a bit. I guess she wanted to play. I walked away a bit and turned and mewed at Berry. She ran after me and I would run away from her. I did this to keep her entertained. We played around until she got tired and fell asleep. I didn’t need much sleep so I went to look for a lake to drink water from. Shadow raised his head to look at me and then laid back down next to Berry. He was used to me wandering off by myself. I started walking around following my nose and ears to lead me to a lake. After ten minutes I found one. It was medium sized with a waterfall and I could see tracks that showed demons and animals alike drank here. I started to drink some water and that was when I saw it. It was far away at first but moved closer at a very high speed. It moved so fast that I was amazed by it. I just stared and watched. It soon reached the lake and stopped. I noticed that a wolf demon came out of the greenish looking tornado. I knew at once that it was Kouga. I had found him and I was not even looking for him at the moment. He bent down cupped some water in his hands and drank it. He then laid down on the ground, his back against a rock, and that was when he saw me. It probably looked strange to him. A cat just sitting there staring at him and not moving an inch.