• INT. Mark's home - early morning:

    A clock alarm wakes up a teenage boy from his slumber. He turns to look at the time and ignores the alarm. He stays in bed for a few seconds until a mature woman calls for him


    Mark! it's time to wake up! You'll be late for school!

    Unenthusiastic, he gets out of bed sluggishly and gets ready for school. Half an hour passes by and Mark is ready to go to school. At the front door he yells to his mother who is upstairs.

    MARK -

    Hey! Mom! I'm leaving to school!


    Alright! Be careful!

    Mark opens the front door and starts walking to school.

    EXT. west high school - morning:

    Mark is wandering around the campus looking up towards the sky pondering about his school. Suddenly, a boy walks up next to him and slaps him the back really hard. Mark notices who it is and nods to him. The boy that is walking around with him starts talking to him.

    KYLE -

    Hey! What's going on bro?

    MARK -

    Nothing much. I just been wandering around for a bit. How have you been?

    KYLE -

    Nothing much either. I really been just thinking about May a lot though...

    Mark shakes his head in disgust

    MARK -

    You really need to stop talking about her around me, it's really giving me a headache.

    Kyle shakes his head in disapproval.

    KYLE -

    How can you say that?! She is the most beautiful girl in West High School, and she is in our year.

    Mark stayed silent for a bit and ignored Kyle. Kyle shrugs and walks off to go to his class. Mark walks through the hallway looking down at the ground. At the corner of the hallway a girl bumps into Mark and the girl drops all her books that she was carrying and her glasses fall off her face.

    MARK -

    Oh... Sorry about that. Let me help you...

    Mark stands up and reaches for a notebook and handed her glasses to her. She looks up. Mark is astonished by her beauty. She quickly grabs all of her books and her glasses and rushes away.

    MARK -

    H-hey! Wait you forgot your...

    She disappeared around the corner of the hallway. Mark clutches her notebook and stares to the direction from she ran towards. He was love-struck and he stood there until the school bell rings. Mark walks slowly to his class, thinking of the beauty he saw. During class he sat at his desk just thinking about her. The lunch bell rings to snap Mark of his daydreaming


    Alright kids, go to lunch




    But, remember you have a quiz tomorrow.



    Mark walks out of the classroom. Standing outside of the classroom was Kyle.

    KYLE -

    Yo! Ready to hit the food?

    MARK -

    I'm not hungry.

    KYLE -

    Why? tired of the junk they sell at school?

    Mark stood there for a while wondering if he should tell Kyle what he saw and finally replied

    MARK -

    I saw the most beautiful girl I have ever set my eyes on this morning.

    KYLE -

    Oh really? I thought you weren't into girls at our school. All the girls you ever talked about were actresses from movies. Do you know who she is?

    MARK -

    No clue. All I have from her is her notebook.

    KYLE -

    Why don't you return it to her? Do you even know her name. Its probably in the notebook.

    Mark grabs the notebook out of his bag and looks at the front page of the notebook.

    MARK -

    It says here that her name is Tea. Do you know who can this be?

    KYLE -

    No clue. Just return it to her tomorrow. I'm starving.

    Mark puts away the notebook and Kyle and Mark walk towards the cafeteria.

    INT. MARK'S HOME - Afternoon

    After Mark finishes his homework, he lays down on top of his bed. Looking at the ceiling he starts thinking about Tea.

    MARK -

    Hmmm.... I wonder if Tea would like me...

    After laying on his bed, he picks up Tea's notebook.

    MARK -

    I wonder what's in her notebook, maybe she wrote about a guy she likes... Man, these pages are so filled...

    As Mark starts reading, he notices what he is reading and becomes dumbstruck of what he read.


    Early morning, not many people are at school. Mark walks into the school office. He talks to the lady at the front desk and she gives him a note. As Mark walks out, he stand outside the door and looks at the note for a few seconds before he puts the note into his back note pocket and starts walking....

    (End of Part I of "Strawberry Heart)