• Light as a feather -- fingertips trailing along condensation stapled to translucent panes of hybrid glass & wood. Where you go, I go. Twin hearts packaged, stamped and shipped toward an oblivion harboring promises of nothing but thrills & smiles & chills ( the sort of quivering when lips touch the base of neck, so unlike those of the frigid ).

    It's a necessity to grin in your company, lopsided and snaggletoothed w/ a touch of dimple on left cheek not mirrored on right. It's always been subtle differences that help classify individuals as unique, right? War torn sneakers of tattered canvas, muddied white laces & peeling stripe piping 'Where are we going?' 'What are we doing?' Don't know, don't know but the journey's adventure enough no matter where we end up → uptown, downtown, flower field, warehouse junkies.

    "I thought about how big the world was yesterday." With emphasis on big by using outstretched arms to display the extraordinary girth of blue planet. Scientists would complain that the gesture was not to scale but as sidewalk philosophers BIG/small hardly mattered.

    "So what about it?"

    "I want to travel it with you."

    "That would take forever."


    It's always been the little things that make you perfect; laugh, smile, tiny sunspot on ivory pallor. Black & Blue. If you fall, I fall - collecting bruises on the concrete like the kisses from your lips.

    "Let's do it."