• i walked down stairs putting my backpac on.....i grabed my ipod and put it in my ears i walked out of the door...i turned on Dance with the Devil...i really like the song...i walked....and walked....then i felt a tear fall from one of my eyes...."why...am i crying...?" i fell to my knees in tears...i couldnt stop crying....why! why! WHY!!!!! i felt someone take me in their arms...i opened my tearful eyes to see Axel holding me close...my eyes widened..."Axel...?" "Yes?" i felt a blush..."what are you doing here?" "i was walking to school when i saw you crying..." i smiled weakly...."thanks" i said as i got up "wanna walk together?" he asked. i nodded. he took my hand...i blushed...

    When we got to school everyone looked at us...i blushed..."Thank you Axel" he smiled and hugged me "no problem cracker Jacs!" he chuckled. "is it ok if i call you that?" i giggled, "sure" he smiled and waved good bye as we both went our ways....

    i couldnt run anymore...i loved him...

    My classes went by fast and finally study period...i sat at my usual table...i opened my backpac and pulled out one of my reading books...but something made me look up from my book....to...see....no...i looked past all the other tables...to see the one in the very back...to see....a boy...looking at...with blood....red....eyes................................................................................................no....it was him from the dream....he smiled at me showing his sharp teeth...i closed my eyes and then opened them....he was gone......my eyes got bigger......he wasnt really there.....i looked back at my book.....