• Once upon a time in a sunny evening....
    There was a guy named.....
    Sorry, I don't know his name
    But he was a guy..or maybe a girl.
    She was...I mean he was walking and
    walking and walking and walking and he stopped........
    Then he ran and ran and ran and ran... because it was raining....
    He saw a boy drinking the rain water thingy, and the guy said, "Hey what are you doing".
    "I'm drinking yummy water thingy" the boy said. "What does it taste like" the guy said.
    The boy did not answer, he ran away, crying. The guy was very confused...He also cried.
    He said to himself, "I still want to know... What does rain water taste like..."
    Then a man came and winked at him and said, "Why did I just winked at you?"
    The Guy answered, with intense anger , "Maybe the guy who is writing this crap wrote it!"
    The writer logged out and never came back.... Until the next day..
    The Next day.....
    The guy doesn't know what to do next. He went home took a bath and
    slept. Even though he just woke up he slept again.
    The Next day
    The story was done and I think they lived happily ever after....And that's what he thought.....
    To be continued.....
    (The "guy's" name revealed)