• The school changes the dance style. Now whoever is going has to take a survey. Then they get matched up with each other. What will happen when four friends get paired together? Are they more than friends? Fights? Only one can be chosen!

    Renee Mandy and Serena were all waiting for the list to go up for the dance. Oh why did the school need to change the dance rules. Finally the principle put the list up on the bulletin board. “Guys I cant look will you two look for me?” “Sure Mandy.”said Serena. Boys Girls
    Jake Grey Serena Allen
    Peter Grey Renee Allen
    Robert Wood Lauren Adams
    Jason Acton Mandy Roberts
    Edwin Acton Nicole Riddle
    Tyler Acton Katherine Willows
    Kevin Allen Mandy Roberts
    Lee Winters Emma Naylor
    Jamie Blake Carmen Lough
    Bobby Adam Annabelle Abraham
    Steven Johnson Erin Andrews
    Jeremy Allen Mandy Roberts

    As Serena scrolled down to Mandy’s name she found out who Renee is going with and who she was going with. But when she saw who Mandy had she was speechless. “Who is it?” “You need to see for yourself.” Mandy was as shocked as Serena was. “No! No I cant be paired up with him!” “I’m really sorry Mandy.”
    “Who did I get?”asked Jeremy. “Look for yourself.”said Renee. “So that’s who you were yelling about Mandy. Hey I’m not that bad.” “Yeah your even worse!” “How am I worse? Truly what did I do?” “Look who I got.” “Me too!” “Oh you got Jake and Peter. Too bad!” “Wait a minute it says I am going with you Kevin and Jason though.” “How can that be? You can only go with one person though!” “Why do you care?” “I don’t I just care if I go.”
    “We have to show this to the office.”said Renee. “Hi Mrs. Mann. There is a mistake on the dance list.” “Really? What’s wrong with it?” “It says I am going with three people!”said Mandy. “Oh well I don’t know how that happened. The computer made the whole sheet. Maybe you’ll just have to go with all of them.” “Okay thanks Mrs. Mann.”
    “What do we do now?” “I guess I’ll have to choose.” “But Jason and Kevin don’t know yet.”said Serena. “True but they will know soon enough.”
    “What! How can Mandy have three dates?”asked Jason. “Jason at least you get to go with your girlfriend. I have to go with Serena.” “Yes but her two other dates are Kevin and Jeremy! Kevin was her old boyfriend and Jeremy. Anything could happen with Jeremy.” “True maybe she will just choose one of you. Then the other two get to go with someone else?” “Probably. I cant believe this happened. How? We were taking the survey in class. We couldn’t have answered all the same questions.” “Maybe you guys did?”
    “We couldn’t have. Jeremy and Kevin are nothing like me.” “Yeah but never mind.”said Peter. “I’m going to talk to her.”
    Soon enough Jason caught up with Mandy. “Hey Mandy. Did you see the dance list?” “Yeah. I don’t get it how can I have three dates?” “Well what are you going to do?” “Maybe I should just choose.” “Yeah. This is really weird. Well the dance is next Friday so don’t worry about choosing.” “Thanks Jas you’re the best!”
    But the next week all three of them were treating Mandy extra nice. “Guys I will pick when I am ready. If you guys keep begging me to bring you I wont pick!” “Okay we’re sorry.”said Kevin. “You guys really need to learn to be more patient.” “We know.”said Jeremy.
    Mandy just got out of practice when she noticed her notebook was still in her locker. As she ran down the hallway she heard music. “What?” It was the song “It Happens Every Time” I haven’t heard this song since I was young. thought Mandy. She turned around. But all she saw was a CD player. Nothing else. There was a note on top of the CD player.
    Dear Mandy,
    I hope you enjoy this CD. You don’t have to choose if you don’t want to. I hope you have fun at the dance.
    P.S. You don’t have to choose me I am not going.
    You can keep the CD and CD player.

    As soon as Mandy read the note over twice Mandy gathered the CD player and her bag. Soon enough she was in her room calling Serena. “We have a problem Serena.” “What’s wrong Mandy?” “Well I got out of practice today and I forgot my notebook again. But when I was walking down the hall there was a CD player. It was playing “It Happens Every Time” and had a note on it. It was from Jeremy. He said he isn’t going to the dance.” “Oh. Well maybe you should just go with him.” “Yeah plus he wasn’t begging as much as Kevin and Jason. I am going to ask him.” “Nice. I gotta go Mandy. Bye!” “Bye.”
    The next day during Social Studies Mandy passed a note to Jeremy saying she wanted to go with him. “Really!”yelled Jeremy jumping out of his seat. “Yes Jeremy?”asked Mr. Malloy. “Oh nothing sorry for the interruption.” “Nice Jeremy.”said Mandy.
    After class Mr. Malloy told Mandy and Jeremy to stay. “What was that about during class?” “I just told him I would go with him to the dance.” “Well you should have told him during lunch. Now go. And don’t want it to happen again.” “Sorry Mr. Malloy.”
    “That was so close!” “Yeah we better go catch up with everyone else.” Mandy noticed Jeremy was holding something but didn’t ask him about it. “Hey guys sorry for the wait. Mr. Malloy kept us after to talk.” “About what?” “About that interruption during class.”said Mandy.
    “Oh wait I’m not even in your Social Studies class,”said Peter. “But I definitely heard you Jeremy.” “Well what were you yelling about Jeremy?”asked Kevin. “Oh it was nothing just a little shock.” “Yeah okay Jeremy. So Mandy did you decide who you are bringing to the dance?”asked Jake.
    “Umm... No not yet.” “Well you better hurry up the dance is this Friday. It is Wednesday.”said Jason. “Yeah.”
    Mandy didn’t know how to break it to Jason and Kevin that she was bringing Jeremy. “Guys I have another problem.”said Mandy later that day. “What now?” “Well I am going with Jeremy I just don’t know how to break it to Kevin and Jason.” “We will tell them for you. Jason is coming over today anyway.”said Renee. “Thanks guys.” “No problem Mandy.”
    “You two don’t have to tell us anything.”said Kevin with Jason. “Guys.” “Renee Serena can we talk to Mandy alone?”asked Jason. “Sure.” “Please don’t leave me.”whispered Mandy to Renee. “They are just going to talk to you. We will talk after.”
    “Why? Why couldn’t you just tell me and Kevin you are going with Jeremy?” “I’m sorry but he was the only one not-” “Not trying so hard for you to pick him?”said Kevin. “Exactly. Now if you two were more mature than you had been I would’ve changed my mind but now you two can just find different dates,” Mandy started to walk down the hall but turned again. “If you can even get dates.”
    The two friends could do nothing but stare. How could Mandy have been that harsh to them? They were better than Jeremy to her. But this one thing made them like enemies to Mandy. “What did we do wrong Jason?” “I don’t know Kevin I don’t know.” “Well maybe we should go apologize.” “No she needs time to herself Kev we cant go this early.”
    Mandy got a surprise phone call. “Hello?” “Hey Mandy it’s Jason and Kevin.” “What do you guys want.” “We want to apologize. We were immature but that is because Jeremy is going to make this dance the worst dance of your life.”said Kevin. “There you two go again! Why do you suspect that?” “We heard him Mandy! He was talking to Jake. He told him that he was going to make this the worst dance for you.”said Jason.
    “Really?” “Yes Mandy we are sure of this.” “Fine I forgive you guys. But this better not get around!” “We promise! Bye Mandy.” Mandy could do nothing but lye there on her bed and think. Why would Jeremy want this to be the worst dance of my life? Why was he telling Jake? Why do I believe Jason and Kevin?
    All these question stirred in Mandy’s head all night. The next day Mandy went home during Science. “Hey where is Mandy?”asked Jeremy. “We don’t know.”snapped Jason and Kevin. “Fine! Geez what is wrong with you two?” “Nothing Jeremy nothing.”
    There was just an hour until the dance and Jeremy had to get to Mandy’s house. “Come on guys!” “You’re really excited Jeremy.” “No not really.” But when Jeremy got to the door Mrs. Roberts told him that Mandy had gotten sick during school. “Oh okay thanks Mrs. Roberts.” “Where’s Mandy?”asked Peter. “She got sick during school and she is sleeping.” “Oh too bad for you Jeremy you were really excited too.”said Kevin and Jason. “Shut up guys!”
    Mandy was back to school on Monday. “I’m really sorry for missing the dance Jeremy. I wish I could have gone. But I was just so sick.” “It’s okay Mandy. I had fun anyway.” “Yeah we all did.”said Kevin. “So you guys aren’t mad that I chose Jeremy?” “Actually we are but we are okay with it.” “I don’t believe you. Is something going to explode out of my lunch box!?” “No! Mandy we are fine that you chose Jeremy.” “Fine. I believe you two. For now.” “We didn’t do anything Mandy!” “Fine I believe you now.”
    But when Mandy opened her locker everything spilled out. “Guys!” “Okay now we never said we didnt do that.”said Jason laughing. “You two are so going to get it!” “Uh oh! Not again! Kevin run!” “What about you?” “I can take her. Go!” “Bye!” “Mandy I did that not Kevin. So just calm down and relax.” “Jason! You little-” “Whoa! Mandy what happened?” “Jeremy don’t even ask.” “Jason you could at least help me pick my stuff up.” “Sorry Mandy. We didnt know you would be that mad.” “Whatever lets just get to class.”
    THE END!