• One day in the cafeteria....

    Me, Lianne and Keo are walking in the cafe and see a guy.

    Lianne: what if He accidentally drops his camera....

    and Keo accidentally kicks it and it ends up knocking down a tree.
    Suddenly a bulldozer comes and knocks over three more trees
    People gather behind the bulldozer to take a closer look....
    But they didn't know that the driver survived being crushed by the trees.
    He hits reverse and hits all the people.

    But...no one knew that the camera had a bomb! Keo approaches the camera.

    Keo: oooh! cool!
    Me: Keo, I don't think you should...

    Me and Lianne back away while Keo nears the camera.
    The bulldozer hits the tree and triggers the camera. Bomb explodes in her face sad


    In the faculty room....

    Teacher1: What was that?
    Teacher2: I don't know
    Teacher 1: Oh Well..

    After a few seconds....

    Keo(looking around): Cool!!!
    Me and Lianne: Keo!!! What happened??!!
    Keo: OMG! This is so kewl!

    Lianne slaps Keo in the face. Suddenly Keo asked "What Happened?"

    Me: The place exploded. So what now? I am bored
    Lianne(noogies Keo): So am I
    Keo: Let's go to Eos and Bea!

    Me and Lianne look at each other and shrug.

    Keo: Okay! Let's go!!