• Part One

    I hurriedly opened the cream doors of the ninja academy's exam room. Hopefully I wasn't as late as I thought I was, like I am for almost everything now. My pace slowed when I noticed that not much had happened. I let out a sigh of relief.

    Some of the students looked up at me, others just glanced and started whispering to their friends. Rolling my eyes, I finger-brushed through my extremely curly strawberry blonde hair.

    As I scanned the room for a table to sit at, my eyes fell upon a boys. Instantly he grimaced even further before looking away. His hair was black, spiked up at the back, and then his eyes were big and dark. I could instantly tell that he was pained, his eyes held a cloud of something behind them. And now I was even more curious to find out who he was. My eyes averted to the boy next to him, obviously hyper-active. He was chatting in an overly loud voice to the boy with black hair. This boy had bright yellow spiked hair, big blue eyes, and scratches on his face.

    My stomach began to burn, a warning perhaps? The beast wanted something, but what?

    All of a sudden some pink headed freak sped past me and positioned herself next to the sober looking boy, who now appeared to be overly annoyed now that that girl showed up. A smirk set itself on my face: sucks for him. And then I remembered something that made me groan silently to myself.

    "Hey Sasuke! Can I sit here?", The boy she called Sasuke didnt answer, he just looked straightforward.

    "Hey Sakura!", Sakura glared at the yellow haired boy.

    I looked down at the piece of paper in my hands. 'Oh Joy.' I thought. Sakura was on my team.
    Then I glanced down at my paper again to see Sasukes name written on it. And also, a boy named Naruto. At the bottom of the page it had a small description of Naruto: hyperactive, cranky, and annoying. Sighing, I walked over to the table at which Naruto, Sakura, and Sasuke were sitting at. Guess I should join my teammates then.

    Id gotten the paper in advance, just because Id joined the ninja academy a week ago and was tested after shown how to do everything. There were a few quizzes, which were easy, somehow. And for me groaning about Sakura? Well, Id seen her stalking Sasuke, a lot. She would giggle like crazy as she did this, too. And she was also very annoying when she talked on and on and on about him. It was non-stop!

    I sat down next to Naruto, and started laughing, his face, Sasukes expression, and Sakura's face looked so funny. They were all bickering and suddenly came to a halt when I laughed. Too bad, I'd wanted an argument free first experience.

    They all stared at me, and I returned their wide-eyed stares back at them before looking around the room.

    "Whats so funny?!", Sakura half yelled her question at me, causing the whole room to stop talking, whisper, and stare.

    My face slightly flushed with embarrassment, but turned to normal within seconds. I just shrugged at her. Her face was steaming red and her eyes were huge. It was actually quite funny to see how she reacted towards other people. I chuckled inside, I should make a book called Sakura in Her Natural Habitat. Boy would That get her started.

    Before she could go off on me again, there was a, "My mouth has been ruined!", and a , "Naruto you sick b*****d!"

    Both Sakura and I looked over at Naruto and Sasuke, whom were spitting everywhere and glaring at each other. I looked confused until it finally hit me, "Did they Kiss?", I asked the person Naruto was glaring at. He busted out laughing and mockingly narrowed his eyes at Naruto.

    Frantically, and angrily, Naruto stated, "That guy pushed me!"

    "Naruto, you make me sick", Sakura glared at Naruto. I just stared blankly.

    "Quit yelling everyone! And Naruto sit down in your seat." , the examiner that let me come into this group was standing at the front of the room shushing us. He then told his name, Iruka-sensei, and explained whod be in whose group and where their sensei would be meeting them.

    Apparently Naruto disliked the fact that he was grouped with Sasuke, and obviously Sakura hated the fact that Naruto was in her group. I smiled to myself as I watched them all : Sasuke slumped in the middle with Naruto and Sakura on either sides banging their heads on the table and mumbling things like, 'Why?' and 'Not happening, not happening, its just all a big nightmare.'

    This will be an interesting year, or couple of years.

    The examiner released the groups and reminded everyone to meet their senseis tomorrow in the cell that their group number is, which in this case is 7. As I walked out someone tapped me on the shoulder. I turned around to meet Naruto. His eyebrows were knit together in slight confusion as he asked, "Hey, why are you in our group? I thought there were only supposed to be three people."

    My spirits turned down, and I answered dully as I looked down, "Because I got accepted into the ninja academy. I got in a week ago and passed all their tests yesterday." A small smile formed on my face. "They said I was the fastest person to learn and pass so quickly, except for one person who'd left the village years ago. They didn't think Id be fast enough to get anything right before the groups were to be picked."

    Naruto raised his eyebrows. "So you got accepted into the ninja academy a week ago? But how'd they accept you? You probably don't know squat about anything." My face became serious and before I walked away I answered, "Well if I don't know squat then howd I pass?" Naruto stood there dumbfounded.

    Sighing, I shoved my hands into my short pocket, and remembered the many times my parents said that I couldn't be apart of any ninja activity or academy. They always said that something might happen or that I'd get hurt, but they did let me study what ninja's did. Every month or so I finished a book about different ninja-arts and small study guides about how to aim a kunai and hit the target. Sometimes I'd secretly spend an hour in the small clearing in the forest behind my house to practice the fingering or practice hitting the trees at certain indentions I made as the target. My parents never knew about practicing it, because I did it when they were at work.

    I hid in a tree as the students followed each other out of the building. They were all chatting about their groups, and group members were heading different places to get to know each other. As soon as everyone was gone I left. But a second before I jumped away, heading for the entrance of Konoha, the sober looking boy caught my eyes again, as he sat in the dirt, watching.

    He was simply watching, with his hands folded and his chin rested on his thumbs, hiding his mouth.