• An owl hooted, the trees rustled. The brisk Ohio air swept through the woods like water, chilling everything in its path. Darkness crowded around and crept though light spaces, leaving only the moonlight and lflashing lightning to bring any source of light.
    I layed there wide awake in my sleeping bag next to my friend whom happened to be sleeping like a rock. You see, I Hate camping, and she thought it was a fun idea. So now here we were, in a flimsy tent, surrounded by mossy oak trees and rain. Tons of rain. For some reason I couldn't fall asleep and it was bugging me. I could already picture the bags under my eyes the next morning.

    My heartbeat quicked as I heard a faint thud. All was silent except for the loud thunder and the tree branches creaking, and the sound. Rough, haggard breaths cricled the tent and I almost squealed when I saw it. As the lightning flashed its shadow bled through the tent wall. Hair stood on end in all direction, a pointed muzzle sniffed the air, bony feet outlined the bottom, and a shaggy tail flickered back and forth.

    Shoving my friend, I tried to keep myself calm. She groaned and I clapped my han over her mouth to hush her and pointed to my right. But when the light flashed it wa gone..

    "Owoo!" Our heads snapped to her left. It howled. That thing howled! It snorted and sniffed the tent. My friend and I shook in fear and we rushed to lay down as the tents zipper came down. Gasping I leaned back against the tent as I saw what I'd imagined just a econd ago in my head. A big, husky grey werewolf peered at us. Then, all of a sudden, it was gone. But we could hear it run behind us further into the black, haunting forest. Who knows what else was lurking in there,..

    "Do you think it'll come back?" My friend whispered. Her eyes glinted with fear. "I dunno, maybe we should just zip up the tent and try and sleep. Maybe we're both having a nightmare."
    Her eyebrows knit together in thought. "I think we should run for it."

    "What?!" I hissed, pretending to slap her across the face. "Are you nuts? That thing will eat us!"

    She shook her head. "Not unless we make it to the house first. You know we are only about thirty yards away. We can easily make it, it might be gone for good." Groaning I held my head in my hands. Should I agree and take the risk of being eaten or scratched up by this monster?
    "C'mon!" She grabbed my wrist and dragged me out of the tent, and I reluctantly followed. "Ok, we'll run in 3, 2,-" She took a deep breath. "1,.." We bolted through the mass of tree trunks and brush. I stumbled, almost tripping on a tree root. Thudding appeared out of nowhere. Looking back my heart froze, it was coming, coming in a grey blur, rushing through the woods. "It's coming! Run faster!" It howled and we both squealed.

    "Hannah!" She stopped and gasped. Its arms were hoolding me up roughly around the waist and my arms. I tried kicking but it only growled and bared its teeth, saliva dripped as it snarled. Hannah rushed over to me with a stick and tried beating it on the head. It only lt go of me with one hairy arm and yanked the stick out of her grip and broke it into pieces against a nearby tree. Hannah screamed in frustration and ran at it, forcing it to turn and speed walk away with me screaming bloody murder and thrashing around.

    "Let Me Go!" It tightened its grip. "I said, Let Me go!" This time I kicked its knee as hard as I could. Dropping me, it howled in a pained shock. I sped around and darted toward Hannah only to be yet again, picked up more roughly than before. Sighing, I looked up at Hannah with tired and defeated eyes.

    "Just go on Hannah, I don't want you to get hurt by this-" I peered up at its face. Its big light brown eyes surprising me. They looked almost, human. And softer than they appeared.
    "-this, thing." Turning my head to looked at her I noticed the hurt expression on her face. Did she actually want to risk saving me from this? Its not like she'd accomplish anything but a few broken ribs.

    "Go back to the house and tell your parents that I got kidnapped by this werewolf and to not come looking for me. I don't want you to risk your life along with anyone else's. There's bound to be more out there,.. Oomph!" I looked back at the werewolf, surprised. It had just dropped me. But it didn't go reaching for me to take me it, but it ran.

    I awoke the next morning from someone shaking me. I lazily opened my eyes and a scowl spread across my face as Hannah's whole face was pleading.

    Sitting up, I wiped my frizzy bed-head hair out of my face.

    "What do you want?" She rolled her eyes and turned, pointing to the door. "I heard something downstairs." Just then I remembered last night.

    "You don't think he got in do you?" She nodded, a worried look plastered onto her face. "Let's go check it out!"

    My mouth hung open as I stared at her like she was retarded. But she grabbed my wrist and pulled me. Sighing, I kicked off the bedcovers and walked with her downstairs. I didn't think she'd actually want to hunt this thing down in her house! But, werewolves transform back into humans during the day, so if we find him or her, we'd get to see their human form. But my question is, how will we actully hunt it down? How will we survuve if it tries to hurt us with something like, lets say, its fists?

    All this was crazy sounding to me, though I knew it was bound to happen. We'd get murdered.

    A loud bang sounded in the kitchen. I jumped and looked around. I realized that I'd been spacing out the whole time in thought.

    "I think it's in the kitchen!" Hannah whispered. I gave her one of those 'no-duh' looks.

    Another noise was heard right before we entered the kitchen. :Uh-oh,.." I mumbled to myself as I ran behing Hannah around the corner of the kitchen. Wrapping my arms around myself, man was it cold in here. I looked around to the kitchen waiting for another bump. There was some rustling.

    We jerked our heads towards the pantry. "I'll do it,.." I told her and walked to the pantry, resting my fingertips on the cold doorknob. Hannah hid behind the island as I very slowly creaked open the pantry door. I looked inside slowly and shrieked. In a hurried motion I slammed the door shut and leaned against it.

    A pounding noise was over by the stairs and pretty soon Hannah's whole family was downstairs staring at us.

    "What's wrong girls?" Her dad inquired, his face drawn down from a restless sleep. Her mom was holding onto her two sisters :Cameron and Layla.

    "And why aren't you in the tent?" Layla, the youngest asked in a sweet, high-pitched voice.

    "Well, for one, we came in last night because it was creepy." Hannah glanced over at me nervously.

    "And there's a raccoon!" I nearly shouted so that anyone in the house could hear.

    Hannah's dad laughed at me before prying me from my post at the door and opened it. "Whoah!" He jumped back as the raccoon ran around him and out the back, door,..

    "Hanni?" Her mom looked at us with a frantic expression. "Did you leave that door open?" I stepped in. "Uh, no, Miss Myra, I did." Though I didn't, both Hannah and I knew who did.