• Kiita: I'm here because I hate it at the main house!
    Ayame: Oh really now? I have a surprize for my brother!
    Yuki: What?
    Ayame: I get to stay here with you!
    Yuki: Oh god... Please let this all be a dream....
    Ayame: It's not a dream!
    Kiita: I'm going upstairs
    Yuki: I'm comming

    As Kiita and Yuki were walking upstairs there were foot-steps behind them
    Yuki: Don't follow us!
    Ayame: Why not?
    Yuki: Cause you're an idiot! And you really need a bath !

    A moment later Kiita had went into her room... And all her stuff had been put into the room for her... Just then Kiita turned back to human and ran to the door and locked it... She went over to the dresser and put on clothes
    She opend the door and Yuki was lying on the ground un-consoius

    (find out why in the next chapter)

    To be continued!