A Rewrite Broken Once Again
“Bye mom! See you after school!” I yelled as I ran down the steps of my house. It was the first day back from spring break. I was excited to see my best friends, Alexa and Dixi.
“Hey Lexi! What’s up?” I was at my locker when Alexa had spotted me.
“Hey Alexa. How was your spring break?” I asked, remaining faced toward my locker.
“Oh, just fine. Where’s Dix?” Alexa asked, looking around frantically, as if she had had too much sugar that morning.
I sighed, “Haven’t seen her.” I said, closing my locker and finally turning toward her.
Ever heard of morning sickness? Well, it caught up with me right as I turned to face Alexa. I Turned, felt it coming and turned to my left, and I could see my entire breakfast.
“Ohmygod! Lexi, are you okay?” Dixi exclaimed as soon as she saw us.
“Yeah, Yeah I’m fine. Just a little nauseous, that’s all.” I answered, whipping my mouth. I could tell I was red as a radish, because my face was hot as a chili pepper.
I bent down to pick up my books, and Alexa and Dixi both helped me.
“Do you need to go to the nurse? Me and Alexa will go with you.”
“No, I fine, thanks though.”
“Are you sure Lexi? You don’t look too good.” Alexa exclaimed as we stood back up.
My first class was 11th grade algebra, and it was on the third floor of the school. And it was already 6 minuets until the time we had to go to class.
“Hey, will you come to the bathroom with me,” I started, trying to catch my breath. “I-I’ve got to tell you something in private.” I said, turning towards my best friends, the look on my face was concerning to them, I could tell.
“Okay.” They answered.
As we started walking towards the bathroom, I saw Luke Kennings, and I froze like ice.
“What’s wrong?” Alexa asked as she stood next to me. I pointed to the direction of which Luke was standing.
“So what? You see Luke almost everyday.”
“I-I know… but…” I looked around frantically, pushing my dark brown hair behind my left ear. “C-come on. The bathroom’s right here.” I said as I ran through the swinging doors of the girls’ bathroom.
As my friends stood around the sinks, I found an old broom and stuck it between the handles of the double doors.
I turned around, and said as slowly as I possibly could, “I-I’m pregnant.”
My friends seemed to be in awe. When Alexa finally spoke, it startled me a little.
My eyes started to fill with tears as I slowly nodded my head and said thru a hushed voice,
“Yeah, I know. Pregnant.”
“What? When did this happen? And how do you know for sure?” Alexa asked, sitting down on the side of the sink.
“Spring Camp. A-and I took like, two home pregnancy tests, and they were both positive.”
“How far are you?” Dixi asked, running her fingers through her light red hair. I set my books on the side of the sink. I pulled a brown paper bag out of my purse, and opened it.
“I’m going to try again,” I said, pulling the pregnancy test out of the bag. “Maybe something I ate was making them positive.”
“Lexi, don’t stress over it. There has been no scientifically proved analysis that says eating certain foods causes pregnancy tests to be positive.” Dixi said, putting her hands on my shoulders.
“I know Dix. But I’ve got to try.”
I slowly started walking towards the stalls.
“Lex….” Alexa mumbled as I closed the stall door. After a few minuets I reappeared from the stall, vigorously shaking the test in my right hand.
My friends watched closely as I leaned over the sink, studying the pregnancy test. And, for some odd reason, seeing that same result brought tears to my eyes once again.
“It’s positive, isn’t it Lexi?” Alexa asked, walking towards me and gently placing her hand on my back.
I threw it across the room and slammed my hands down on the sink. I was furious, furious that I had had sex, and even more furious that I had had sex with whom I had had it with. And also that he was my first-born baby’s daddy.
My eyes were shut tight, and still I could feel my tears falling on my hands, for they were warm and moist. I whispered through clenched teeth,
“Yeah, positive. I can’t believe it.” Alexa turned me around and wrapped me tight in her arms. Somehow she always knew what I needed most.
“I know it’s hard, but they have all been positive, and so will all the others you may take in the future.” Alexa whispered. By this time, I was crying so hard I couldn’t see anything clearly, and I was starting to hallucinate.
“I-I know, b-b-but I just c-can’t, and won’t accept it.” I gasped through sobs, barely able to speak at all.
“I know, but you can’t deny the fact that you are responsible for another human being’s life now.” Alexa said.
I ignored her and picked up my stuff and headed to remove the broom from the door handles.
“You can’t just ignore the fact that you’ll be able to tell you’re pregnant Lexi. You’ll have to birth it at some point.” Alexa said, grasping my shoulders in her hands. I shrugged her hands off my shoulders.
“Thanks for your support.” I said, without turning around to face her.
My legs started to tremble as I was walking down the hallway and caught a glimpse of Luke. He was staring at me as I crossed the hallway.
“Yo, Lexi.” His deep voice pericing through threw the crowded high school hallway. I stopped dead in my tracks, staring straight ahead. I could see the other kids staring at me as my face turned pale white and my blood ran cold. As he started towards me, I thrashed my head down, trying to regain color in my face. I could see his shoes in front of me, and I felt his hands come under my hair and his right forefinger and thumb caressed my chin, so that my face was uplifted towards his. I stared into his eyes, as he ran his fingers up my jawbone up to my cheek so that he could tuck my dark brown hair behind my left ear.
“Don’t touch me.” I said, pushing his hand away from my face, and putting my head down slightly at an angle.
“Forgotten me already, have we?” he laughed.
“Damn right.” I coughed.
the end.
PM me and lemme know if you want to read more. Also, check out my profile, it is also posted on my prof. heart
A Rewrite Broken Once Again
Lexxi Marie Hazel
This is a BOOK that i am writing, for those of you who watch the Secret Life of the American teenager, you may notice that the story line is similar. The Secret Life of my fav. show, and it inspired me to write this. I AM DID NOT COPYWRITE THE DAMN THING FOR THOSE OF YOU WHO THINK I HAVE!!!
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