• Hes a coin operated boy.
    The only thing thats not real is his heart.
    one day someone buyed him.
    his name was mark.
    mark loved him alot he was everything he wanted as a friend.
    he thought to his self i love him more then anything, more then a friend but.....he does not have a heart.
    The coin operated boy wroke up one day mark was crying.
    coin operated boy put his hands on mark face "Why Why is there water coming out of you eyes" the coin operated boy said.

    Mark keeps on crying "I love you but i dont think you will under stand because you dont have a heart!" He says crying.

    the coin operated boy licke his tears "Im sorry"

    days past and then
    mark turned old and one day he was on his death bed.
    "i love you...you are everything,you made me so happy" mark smiled and closses his eyes. he turned cold and just died.

    the coin operated boy crys he touches his face and water was going down from his eyes. his his heart is going crazy heart "I love you 2"