• The time has come and is time for me to return to where i came from. Hi, my name is Riya Mori. This story started not so long ago. I was a high schooler at that time. Everything was normal at that time. One night, a hooded man came knocking at my door asking for a place to stay for the night. He looked old, tired and hungry so I let him in. He never took off his hood when I was around. He always kept a distance from me but was really close to my mom. He stayed for a really long time. A few months to be exact. One morning, he took my mom on a picnic trip out of town. I insist that I tag along but he refuse to let me go. So I stayed behind, looking after the house. I must have fell asleep because I woke up to a loud THUD. I watch the door fall down and see mom in his arms. He carried her to her bed and walked out. He sat in the chair in front of me, one hand pulling his hood farther over his already-hidden face and slamed his fist hard on the table. For the first time ever, he talked to me. "Your mother is asleep. I'll pay you for the monthes that I stayed." Then he slamed a huge bag of coins on the table and hurryed to his room. I took the bag and slowly walked in mom's room. I was startled when he said," Don't touch her. Just put the bag in your room." He was standing right behind me. "I'll be gone by morning," was the last words I heard from him before I found myself asleep in my room. The morning was normal but unusual. It was 10 o' clock already and mom is still in bed. When I entered the room, I noticed something really stinky. It smelled like a dead animal. I went to mom's side and tapped her gentally and it was weird. She was as cold as ice. I remembered a story my mom told me while we were camping.
    THe Hooded Man
    There once was a hooded man that would come knocking at your door asking for a place to stay. If the family had a child, he would stay for a few months. If the family had no children, he would stay for the night like he said. If he stays for a few months, he would slowly ask one family member at a time to go on a picnic out of town. He wouldn't let anyone else tag along. he would kill the person and bring them back at night and leave. He would return until the child is the only one alive. He would take the child and inject memorys of a Moon fairy and leave the child alone till there was a new moon.With the memorys of a Monn fairy, the child would become a Moon fairy and be punish for comeing to earth. The hooded man would take their soul and trap them in hell where the devil would finish them off. The hooded man will then absorb all the life the soul had left. When he was finished, he would sent the soul to heaven to be recreated because he hates wasting a soul on anything. (Even though he doesn't die.)

    I was started when I found a cold hand on my shoulder.

    To Be Continued....