• Snow woke up he thought he was blind.because he couldent see anthing. He went outside to see a wall of snow and fog and felt the snow attacking his face.This was normal for where he lives.This place used to be a training area but for some reason the trainers died so they were left alone.
    There was still always hold backs for being alone because the u.s army think they are mutants.So then snow climbed down a ladder to find his friend Keith waiting for him. Snow said "are you ready?" "yup lets go" so then Keith and snow went to their secret base to grab two sticks. They started to play fight but snows stick broke before Keith."dang it Keith you always win" But then he saw that Keith wasn't looking at snow he was looking at someone behind him.so then snow turned around to find Jessica "hi snow, Keith" "hi" Can i play with you two? Keith said :" you want to be a knight?" "no can i be a um..princess?? "OK"
    "help me " said Jessica then Keith and snow pretended to slay some monsters and get to the top of the castle to save her.Thank you Then Jessica hugged them both.
    TWO YEARS LATER Date: 2008
    "Hi Jessica" "hi snow wheres Keith" "he should be arriving here soon" OK i'm here" Snow then said "OK who do you think should be the leader Jessica?" "you snow" with darkness in his eye Keith said"YOU WANT HIM TO BE THE LEADER?? THEN I'M OUT"

    PART 2 The Quest Date: 2010

    "snow did you ever find out where Keith is?" asked Jessica "sadly no,I've been looking for him for a while now.ill go check his house." Then snow left to Keith house,when he finally got there he went inside. "Keith?" Snow looked around he went strait to the kitchen.He aw Keith's mom with a sword in her back.snow was observing the body when he saw a note it said: When snow falls darkness rises you will fall in the path of blood. Snow grabbed the note and ran outside. it was lightly snowing and it was nighttime.He ran to jessica to see if she was ok,he was to late.The person took her he had to go out of the village.Leaving the village with no protection he walked to a big temple.Mabye there was something there,but then in the dark and cloudy night a beam of light came through.Snow looked at where the beam hit the ground.He saw a wizard walking to him."yes wizard?" "Take this sheild and The ice element do notg let the death knight take this sword or right hand glve if he does everyone will be realesed from all the element worlds"" Wait wizard whatare the elements?" " theres five elements The ice sword and glove,the wind helm,the water chest,Earth Boots and the most powerful one the darkness blade aNd sword"
    "so what happens when some gets all the elements?" " If their bad then the underworld collides with thBute regular world but thats only with the darkness blade. All together everone will get lost in space and the five dragons will be realeased.With someone good owning it he will combine all the items together to become one element."" So what element are you giving me?" Ice element put on the glove before grabbing the sword...