Chapter 2
The Encounter
Sawa looked at the clock. The numbers flashed vivaciously six o’clock. Sawa sighed and got changed. She quickly went down stairs and got something to drink “Those beers are really starting to call to me.” She ran back upstairs and looked at her clock again, “Time to go…I guess.” Sawa opened her window and leaped to the tree. Sawa ran toward town, which was about three miles away.
Once she got there Sawa lurked around town. She stopped every once in a while to look in stores. She ultimately stopped when she spotted Johnny, a tall boy with flowing black hair, she followed him for two blocks until he stopped.
“Who is there?” He said, his voice was calm and steady. He continued to walk until he vanished. Sawa came out of her hiding place and looked around a bit. “How could he just vanish? It is impossible.”
Sawa turned around and headed home. Myla was waiting in Sawa’s room and had found Sawa’s poems. “What are these supposed to mean? And how did your mission go?”
Sawa scowled at Myla. “I was following him for about ten minutes and then he somehow knew I was following him and after that he just vanished. And I swear if you touch these poems again be ready to wake up with broken fingers.”
“Touchy. Since you didn’t do your part maybe I should take these as collateral until the job gets done.”
“NO! You can take anything but those.”
Myla grinned, “How about I take nothing and over the weekend I get to give you a makeover.”
Sawa gazed at Myla, “F-fine. Just no cutting or dying my hair.”
Myla smiled, “So we have a deal then.”
“Yes. Now leave.” Sawa pointed toward the door. As Myla left Sawa heard something outside. She looked and saw Johnny. “Oh crap.” Sawa ducked down and waited for him to leave.
After a few minutes Sawa heard a knocking on her window. She slowly stood up knowing that she had been found out and opened the window. “Look I only followed you because…” Sawa looked out the window and saw nothing. She closed the window and turned around. Sawa gasped.
“Aren’t you going to explain?” Johnny said his voice smooth.
“How did you do that?”
“Dear Sawa, I thought you of all people would know…I am a vampyre.”
Sawa stared at him, “Who put you up to this? Was it Myla?”
“What? Why do you think I would lie?”
“Go. Get out.”
“Sawa let me explain. I know what you are. You are one of the only living dhampiels.”
“What did you just call me?”
Johnny looked at the clock, “Look I can explain all of this in good time but now I think I should leave. I will see you at school tomorrow. ‘Night.” With those words Johnny left.
Seconds after Johnny left Myla knocked on the door. “Who is in there with you Sawa? You know you aren’t supposed to have anyone over at this time of night.”
“It was no one. Goodnight Myla.” Sawa got up and closed the door. Sawa leaned against the door and slid down. “How does he know what I am?” Sawa whispered to herself.
When Sawa finally lay down to go to sleep she couldn’t. All Sawa could think about was…voices. All night she heard voices and nothing like a normal conversation but it sounded like…thoughts. Sawa sat up and looked around she saw nothing but she still heard voices. Sawa got out of bed and turned on her computer. She searched for dhampiels but found nothing. “Great. Now I am going crazy.” Sawa typed in hearing thoughts and got some results. “…also known as mind reading may occur to vampyres or any other race of “super-humans,””
“Oh man, great now I can read minds…wait that could be good. Instant test answers…EASY A’S! YES!”
Myla had heard Sawa and screamed, “SHUT UP SAWA!”
Chapter 3
Sawa woke up with a headache. “What happened last night? Oh, yeah.” Sawa went over the events that had taken place the night before. “What did Johnny mean when he called me a dhampiel? And how can I read minds?”
After Sawa got dressed for school she heard Myla thinking. “I think I will give Sawa pink highlights.”
“The hell you will.”
Myla looked at Sawa in shock. “Excuse me?”
“Nothing.” Sawa grabbed an apple and was out the door.
When Sawa reached school it was around seven o’clock. She walked out into the courtyard and spotted Shyan, a tall brown haired girl who is Sawa’s best friend, almost immediately. “The new boy Johnny was asking around for you Sawa. I think he likes you.” The thing about Shyan was that if anyone asked for anyone she thought they liked each other.
“Where did he go?”
“Sawa do you like him?”
“No.” Sawa started blushing and covered her face.
“He went to the library.”
Sawa headed to the library coming to a halt. She thought for a second. “Am I doing the right thing? Yeah, because if I don’t find out what I am I may lose control and hurt someone.” Sawa walked into the library to see Johnny sitting at a table in the back of the library. She walked to him. “Hello Sawa.
I guess you do want to know about what you are.”
“Yes. First things first, I want to know what you called me last night.”
“Oh the term dhampiel. I thought you would know what it meant. Well, the term means that you are a mixed breed.”
“What? A mixed breed?”
“Yes, a mix between a human and a vampyre.” Johnny looked around making sure no one was around. “Have you experienced anything odd lately?”
Sawa thought about it for a second. “Don’t laugh okay. Last night, I was laying in bed when…..I think I heard other people’s thoughts.”
“That is normal…well at least for some dhampiels and vampyres. You see certain vampyres and dhampiels get the normal powers whereas some may develop more than the others and have a different power such as mind reading, becoming psychic, reading others emotions, or transfiguration. Me I have no power, I am just a normal vampyre. You though are special. In many ways.”
Sawa blushed. “So Johnny do you have any classes with me?”
“Yes, actually Algebra and German.”
“Oh, and I am sorry for last night.”
“What? Oh, yeah.” Johnny chuckled. “So why were you following me?”
“Um….Well….You see, I have a step sister and she knows about me. And she was kind of pissed that you snubbed her so she threatened me by saying she was going to tell the whole school what I am if I didn’t…break your arm.”
“And you didn’t. Why?”
“Because you knew I was following you. And I thought you would think I am a stalker.”
Sawa was silent for a minute and heard some of what Johnny was thinking. “…her eyes are so…wait why is she…Sawa are you listening?”
“What?” Sawa blushed. “I am sorry. I can’t really help it. When it is quiet it seems I can’t not listen to thoughts.”
Johnny chuckled again. “Only if I could you hear what you think of me.”
Sawa blushed “I think you know what I think of you.”
“What do you think that I am cute?”
Sawa slid down the chair a bit and hid her face. “Maybe.” Just at that moment the bell rang. “I will see you in German, I guess. Unless we have the same lunch too.”
“I have fourth period lunch.”
“As do I.”
Sawa had a double period of Grammar first and second period so she day dreamed the whole period catching bits and pieces of what her teacher, Mrs. Rident, was saying. The periods dragged on until the third period bell rang. Sawa grabbed her stuff and floated to her Biology class. Her Biology class was to her the most boring class due to her teacher, Mr. Boron. Not only was he short and unnoticeable but on top of that his voice was monotonous.
“Miss. Kitano,” he droned, “What are the organelles that are only in a plant cell?”
“Chloroplasts and cell wall.” Sawa said barely coming out of her daydreams.
When the bell rang Sawa jumped up, grabbed her stuff, and left the room. “What if I say something wrong to him? Or what if I do something stupid?” Sawa was nervous beyond reason. When she got to the courtyard she saw her friends Bonnie, Bonny, Combat, and Todd sitting at their usual lunch table.
Bonnie ran up to Sawa and hugged her, “Do you have the Algebra homework?”
“Yeah.” Sawa put down her book bag and rummaged through it to find her notebook. “Here it is.” Sawa handed Bonnie her notebook.
“I love you. I will give it back to you between fifth and sixth period.” Bonnie gave Sawa another hug and headed back to the table. Sawa looked around the courtyard and didn’t see Johnny. Sawa headed to the library and saw Myla all over Johnny. Sawa pulled Myla away from Johnny.
“Um…excuse me Myla what are you doing?”
“I am flirting with the new boy.”
“Well don’t okay it is dangerous.”
“Why don’t I tell him what you are if you like him so much?” Myla walked up to Johnny, “Do you know what Sawa is? She is a freak. She can run faster than a car. She can lift up a bus. And she drinks animal blood…sometimes.”
“I know.” Johnny said with not even a change to his expression.
“But…how…what?” Myla walked away looking confused and when she passed Sawa she said “Fine, you can have him. Only, because I don’t want to date someone who accepts what you are.”
Sawa walked up to Johnny. “I am sorry about her. She is my sister. And in two days she is going to give me a makeover, why did I let her talk me into following you?”
“Don’t worry. Just make sure she doesn‘t change your hair because that shade of chestnut is hard to find.” Johnny chuckled. “So I hear you drink animal blood.” Johnny smiled. “Do you want to hunt?”
“I haven’t ever hunted before. But I guess, sure. I would love to hunt with you.” Sawa and Johnny headed to the woods that were behind the school.
“Smells like we have rabbits in here. Come on.” Johnny grabbed Sawa’s hand and led her to a clearing. “See the rabbit holes? We have to wait for the little guys.” Sawa saw a rabbit and caught it. “Wow, and you have never been hunting before?”
“I don’t think so. Now what do I do?” Sawa asked looking puzzled.
“Okay,” Johnny got behind Sawa and moved her hands to the correct spots on the rabbit. “Now, you put your mouth on its neck and bite down.”
“Okay.” Sawa did so and as she bit down she felt the sweet, hot, red liquid pour into her mouth. Once she drained the rabbit she turned back to Johnny. “So what are you going to have for lunch?”
“Oh, me I already ate. When you were draining that rabbit I found another and I drained it. I think it is time to go back to the school.”
- by The Original Syn |
- Fiction
- | Submitted on 12/22/2008 |
- Skip

- Title: Sawa (Ch.2&3)
- Artist: The Original Syn
- Description: Continuation of Sawa.
- Date: 12/22/2008
- Tags: sawa vampyres dhampiels
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