• Walking into the pizza place, Katrlila could already tell that somthing was wrong. Looking at the floor there was a small black thing on the floor, right behind the seater. "Hello, how menny?" The seater said. "Just four please." Katrila's mom said. "Alrighty, coming right up." While they were being seated, Katrila saw that the black thing had grown to hafl. Getting nervouse she walked up to her mom real casually . "Mom, do you see that black blob on the floor over there?" she asked quietly. Her mom looked over to where she pointed at. "Yes, i do, what about it?" her mom said. "Becuase it grew bigger." When the last word left her mouth, the thing sprang towards them. Screaming at the top of her lungs her mom dove towards the twins and coverd them. The black thing consumed them all and grew to the size of a little creature. The thing was as black could get and had enntena like ears that waved around alot. When the thing saw Katrila it started scutteling towards her, whil she started scrammbiling towards the counters. When she hit the counters she hid in her arms waiting the fait like her family. When she thought that it had sprung it screamed and then it got real quiet. When she looked over her arms she saw a sword in the shape of a key. Looking higher she saw some weird clothes and still looked higher until she stopped at the face. Gasping at the face that looked at her she thought of so menny questions bu one came to thought, hoping she was dreaming she looked back at the face. "Is that you...Salcom?" she said. "Ya, and it looked like i came just in time."