• “You got Tier!” he exclaimed. “Yes I got your girl.” I said mounting Mir along with him. He smiled, “Get a grip brother, you need a life.” I said patting his back. “Yeah but I haven’t seen Tier in a long time.” He said.

    I kicking Mir to make him move, he started off very slow but in an instant he was galloping toward where I came from. Once we were back with Irina, I tossed the bow and arrow to her, “Thank you,” she said sarcastically. “Whatever,” I said as I dismounted. “Who’s that? And why is he with you?” she asked. “He’s my brother, he wanted to come along.” I said. “What is his specialty?” Rade asked. “I’m a craftsman, apprentice to one.” He said.

    “Sure you are, what have you made?” Irina asked again. “I’ve made this dagger.” Knar said pulling the dagger out of his rucksack. “Sure I bet you stole it from someone.” She said, snickering. “I did not!” Knar yelled. “He didn’t he showed it to me when he finished it.” I reassured her. “Oh, and Crow while you were gone, Rade and I found a place to stay.” Irina said. Rade nodded in agreement. “Fine, show us.” I said. Irina led the way. Once we were there, we arrived at a cave. The inside was darker than a basement in the dead of night.

    We walked in, our footstep echoed throughout the cave. “Who’s there?” an old man’s husky voice asked. We continued walking. “I said, Who’s There?” he asked more furious. “Crow Saoner of Gretaber.” I said. “I am Algol Kerfa of Tilarwing.” He answered. “What are you thinking are you trying to get us killed?” Irina asked in a whisper. “No,” I answered her. “Show yourself,” Algol ordered. “Why don’t you come out of the shadows.” Irina said. “Not very trained in manners, are you young lady.” A female voice said.

    “I promise you we intend you no harm.” I said. Before I knew it a man walked out to us a woman following behind. His beard reached past, far past, his chin, his silver-gray hair shone in the sunlight. Just peaking out of his mass of hair were his emerald eyes.

    The girl seemed very quiet, her dirty blonde hair reached to just a little above her shoulders, her grass green eyes staring at me. “What are you here for?” he asked. “We just need a place to stay for a while, we all are in danger staying here.” I said. “What danger, the war is 500 miles away in Piltar.” Algol said. “Yeah, but Bird-Boy here just had to run away and now his master sent troops after him.” Irina said.

    “Bird-Boy?” Algol asked. “His name is Crow.” Knar said. “Oh, I see why you call him Bird-Boy.” The female laughed. I glared at her. “Oh sorry about her, she’s not used to this many people around her.” Algol said. “Not true!” she yelled. “Shaula, calm down.” Another man, younger, way younger, than Algol came out of the shadows. His black hair, with a little hint of blue, covered all of his forehead and reached to his to his mid-neck. His cool grey eyes staring at Shaula. “Sorry Regulus.” She said walked over to him.

    Regulus then glared at me. His way of staring frightened me. “Regulus stop tourturing the poor boy.” Said Algol. “Sorry father.” He stepped back. “Sorry we haven’t formally met, I’m Crow this is my brother Knar.”

    “I’m Irina and this is my brother Rade.” She interrupted me. “Nice to meet you, this is my son, Regulus, and his wife, Shaula. I’m Algol.” He said. “Do any of you have specialties?” Algol asked.

    “I am a swordsman,” I answered.

    “I’m an archer.” Irina answered as she curtsied.

    “I’m a mind reader.” Rade said.

    “I’m and apprentice to a craftsman, and I made this dagger.” Knar said showing of his dagger to them.

    “Very good. As you should know I am a healer. My son can torture people just by staring at them.” Algol said.

    “I can tell” I said.

    “I’m a trapper.” Shaula said.

    “Very handy.” Irina said. “At least I’m not the only girl anymore.”

    “We will get along just fine, I can tell” Shaula said to Irina. “Just what I need, more girls.” Regulus said. “Oh, shut up.” Shaula said playfully hitting him.

    “So, Crow, why did you run away?” Regulus asked. “My master, Master Poitier, is forcing me into the war. I hated leaving my family. Just leaving period.” I said. “Crow why’d you steal a book from him?” Irina asked me. “It was my book, he stole from me. I just took it back.” I said. “Oh,” she said emotionless.

    “I knew you wouldn’t care.” I said. “Whatever.” She said. “Um, sorry to interrupt…” Algol started to say. “We don’t mind.” Irina interrupted. “You four may stay with us.” He finished.

    “Really? Thank you!” Irina yelled. I rolled my eyes. “We really appreciate it.” I said. “It’s no big deal.” Regulus said. “We won’t be a bother, I promise.” I said.