• “Fine, do what you want but if I’m not out here then just leave.” I said, he kind of laughed.
    “What ever you say.” He winked. No. If I wasn’t out there then he was going to come to my room and wake me up.
    “Don’t you dare wake me up!” I said with tremendous strength in my words. I got out of his car and shut the door. We walked into the room with the check in counter; he still hadn’t said anything about what I said. Don’t you dare wake me up! I smiled, if he wakes me up, I won’t be the only one who is unhappy. I thought to myself. He handed me the key to my room. Number 17, it said on the key. Of course, it was the number of the day I would transform, what a coincidence.
    “Okay I’ll be here at 7:00 on the dot, got it?” He asked. What was I supposed to say, ‘yeah right, go away.”
    “Sure…” I trailed off. I looked behind Mitch, and there he was…waiting; waiting for Mitch to leave and for me to be myself; vulnerable…
    “Hey you okay, you look…you look as though you’ve just seen a ghost!” He said worry running thick. It would have been better if I’d have seen a ghost, but by seeing my father, this meant I was as dead as a ghost.
    “Uh…you can’t leave me alone…” I said fright completely consuming my voice.
    “Why not?” He asked looking all around. “Are you okay?”
    “No!” I screamed and ran to his car, he followed and started his car and we took off.
    “Why are you not okay?” He asked me winded from the short run.
    “My…” I trailed off again.
    “Let me guess, your father, right?” He said and I nodded.
    “Yes, he was waiting for you to leave and for me to be all alone.”
    “And that’s why you said you cant be left alone?”
    “Yes.” I answered and he frowned.
    “That leaves one option.”
    “What?” I asked, I couldn’t think of anything.
    “You stay at my house, in the guest room.” He announced.
    “I don’t want to intrude.” I said.
    “You wont it’s the least we can do for my sister running into you.” He said.
    “Wait, you sister was the one who ran into me?” I said, I didn’t remember seeing a girl.
    “Yeah, she said that there was something…something different about you, something she needed to stop, before it got out of hand.” He said and I freaked, somehow and someway, this girl knew me…the real me! “I told her not to do anything stupid, but she did anyways.” He frowned. “I apologize for her.”
    “No problem, everyone is different in their own way, right?” I said meaning it rhetorically. He laughed.
    “I guess you’re right.”
    “But I mean if she tried to kill me once, don’t you think spending the night is just asking to die?” I asked
    “No, my parents talked to her. She wont do it again.” He said with a smile.
    “Oh, okay…” I trailed off but then came back. “So is that why you were at the hospital?”
    “Well I guess you could say that, I was there because I felt it was pretty much my fault for not stopping her, and I was waiting to see you, so I could apologize, but then you came running out and I forgot everything, except making sure you wouldn’t get hurt.” He explained and I smiled, there really is someone out there who cares about me, I thought.
    “Well thank you, you’ve saved my life twice today.” I smiled big and we pulled up to a house that almost looked like a mansion.
    “Whoa! Nice home.” I said as I gazed at the front of it, there were so many windows; it was a beautiful home. Trees everywhere, they covered the house behind the height. The in the distance was a waterfall, and a river.
    “Thank you.” He said as he got out and walked around his car and opened my door.