• (Lee's point of view)

    I stared at the, so called, "Marrisa." She looked friendly, yet scary. I shuttered inside. Marrisa's eyes looked confused.

    "Call me, Mari," she sighed.
    "Okay then... Mari. Um.. this is an obvious question but... are you dead?" I wondered.
    Mari laughed. "Yeah, I am. And I died in this house 20 years ago," she sighed.
    "I got shot."
    "Some one broke in."
    "Our doors weren't locked. Is that all you are going to ask is, 'how?'" Mari snapped.
    "N-no," I stared.
    "Good, cause that is very annoying."

    Mari sat down in the air. I stared at her, watching her float.

    "Um... why are you here?" I asked.
    "Well, I'm not going to haunt you or your friend, but I'm trying to find out who killed me. And he or she must be around," Mari started.
    "Oh. Well.. I wasn't born 20 years ago, so it wasn't-"
    Mari cutt me off. "I know it wasn't you. This person was maybe... 27 years old? They could be almost middle aged.
    "Ah," I sighed.

    Nothing was making sense. I wanted to call, Cassie, but she was working hard, and I couldn't distract her. She already got yelled at before, and she couldn't be yelled at again. Cassie was all that I was thinking about.

    "Why did you pour my milk?" I asked.
    "I just tried to help."
    "And the shower?" I asked.
    "Just messing with you."

    A little smirk was on her face. "Cassie wants to talk to you, I know it."
    "Then how could I not see you then, and I can see you now?"
    "I was letting you see me. Its a sprit thing."

    I leaned over the kitchen sink. Too much was happening... all too fast.