• Setting-
    Time: 1820

    Serenity ran down the street's the bottom of her gown ripped and torn, blood spilled down her dress, her hair tangled. She panted stopped and looked over her shoulder, and saw no one. As figure stood over her as the fire lit street lamp's started going out by a flick of wind passing through. She was still leaning over panting, seeing her breathe in the air, as she felt a hot mist on her neck feeling the figure smile behind her as she heard an echoing laugh. She stood up seeing a dark disfigured men walk tword's her, as she stepped back quickly turning around, stopping suddenly seeing she was surrounded, Serenity turned around seeing a pale white figure infront of her, standing as tall as she was looking down to her, his fang's exposed. He just laughed holding his stomach as he stopped suddenly, and leaned forward as his eyes got wide and everything else went dark around him as he said slowly,

    "Serenity, oh Serenity, A blood stained path you will walk."

    Serenity's eyes opened as she sat up from her bed looking around, as a bead of sweat went down her face. She got up and ran downstair's in her house, seeing daylight break through the window's and everyone awake sitting around the dining table all dressed for the day. Her Mother and Father at the front, Her two brother's happily eating thier food's like the pig's they were.

    Serenity only looked around, her face pale as her mother got up and walked to her hugging her tightly as her father only looked down at his food and kept eating.

    "Serenity sweetheart, your still in your gown, we have a ball tonight, there will be many eligible bachelor's just there for you. We do need you to be at your tip point." Serenity merely just hugged back, and said nothing else as her mother let go and sat down eating her food quietly.
    ---------------------------------Later on That night

    Serenity walked across the floor, the ballroom set and ready as everyone was there, her friend's dancing and enjoying their time and the men watching other women.
    Serenity's mother walked up beside her and gripped her arm tightly as serenity was about to sit down in a large comfortable chair, she had been up all day get her hair pulled her stomach pushed in by a corset, and everything shoved up and into her. She sighed dejectedly being dragged up to a large stage where the band was playing, Her mother set her aside as she hushed the band and stood up commanding the hundred's of people in the room. She smiled and held out her hand's.

    "My beautiful daughter, which all of you are here for, will sing a beautiful song for everyone. Come my dear-" She turned around and faced Serenity smiling, as Serenity only looked up at her mom with no expression as Serenity had no choice, she walked up to the stage as her mother walked off the stage.

    Serenity looked around the room, as the whole room was silent waiting for her to start as the band started to play the beginning, she stopped and took a deep breathe sighing, Serenity smirked and stepped up to the edge of the stage and turned around and only told the violin's and the piano to play as they just stared at her and only gave a nod.

    Serenity slowly held up her hand and closed it tightly looking forward and seeing a dark figure in the corner watching her every move, he was tall with beautiful white hair, his formal dress was all black, even his shirt. She watched him and took a deep breathe.

    "L'Amour est un oiseau rebelle
    Que nul ne peut apprivoiser
    Et c'est bien en vain qu'on l'appelle,
    S'il lui convient de refuser.

    Rien n'y fait, menace ou prière,
    L'un parle bien, l'autre se tait;
    Et c'est l'autre que je préfère
    Il n'a rien dit; mais il me tient.

    L'Amour est un oiseau rebelle
    Que nul ne peut apprivoiser
    Et c'est bien en vain qu'on l'appelle
    S'il lui convient de refuser

    L'Amour est enfant de Bohême,
    Il n'a jamais, jamais connu de loi,
    Si tu ne m'aime pas, je t'aime,
    Si je t'aime, prend garde à toi!

    (Prends garde à toi)
    Si tu ne m'aime pas si tu ne m'aimes pas je t'aime
    (Prends garde à toi)
    Mais si je t'aime si je t'aime prends garde à toi!"

    Serenity's voice echoed through the whole room, as they stood there not knowing a word she said as she stepped back and bowed, as the dark figure stepped from the corner clapping slowly, and the only one clapping she stepped off stage as he met her and grabbed her hand pulling her close whispering in her ear, as she only blushed as she took her away out of the room.

    Serenity followed not knowing why, but his eyes were so hypnotizing. He sat her on the bench slowly as the night was beautiful as she looked around and smiled, as he just looked at her and waved her hand over her face as she blacked out.

    He just pulled her face close and whispered in her ear, "Your life will be forever."

    He pierced her neck getting what he wanted from her, and left her on the bench.

    ----------------------------------One week later

    Serenity opened her eyes jeeringly as she saw wood surrounding her, she held her hand's up on the wood infront of her and screamed, hitting the coffin's top, she looked around felt her blood coarse through her body, as adrenaline hit her system fast and hard. She looked down with only her eyes because her whole body she could not move, seeing she was dressing in black.

    They thought I was dead....why- Oh no this can't be. I'm...
    Serenity slowly licked her top teeth feeling fang's, she took a deep breathe and felt the air constricting more and more.

    Serenity hit the coffin once more and starting to hit harder, she blood started to leak out of her palm's she grit her teeth as she hit the coffin once more as her hand went through, as she took a deep breathe as soil started piling through the hole, she started opening the hole even more forcing herself through as her dress started to rip off of her, blood rolling down her hand's, arms and legs. She piled through the soft soil struggling to get her grip as her hand ripped through the top of the soil as she grabbed solid ground feeling around as she thrusted her other hand through the soil pulling herself up through the soil, as she gasped for hair breathing in soil as she spit it back out. Pulling her whole body through the soil, laying her body on the hard ground. Laying there for some time breathing heavily looking at her situation.

    This has got to be the worse week I have ever gone through, I'm a low life vampire. I have come to term with that pretty quickly.

    Serenity slowly stood up, she was far from any of her friend's or from her house. She looked around at the desolate graveyard, fog rolled through the tombstone's creating an eerie presence around. She walked out of the graveyard and out onto the gravel path, the pitch black night was only illuminated by the moon on the path. She walked, and then just started running her dress flapping in the wind as she started breathing heavier, she saw a bright red illuminating the cloud's around down the path as she ran faster, the sky started to produce lightning as it slowly started sprinkling, turning into a hard rain, beating against her skin, making her skin turn red, her black hair clinging to her face and neck. Serenity just kept running as she reached the town, as it was a blaze everything burning, as everyone was dead lying on the street's.

    Serenity slowly started walking in the middle of the town, the soil stained with blood, as it started to cover her feet. The villager's faces disfigured and cut into pieces. Her eyes grew wide as she walked up to the gates of her house, nothing was touched, nothing was burning. She felt something very wrong. She opened the gates as they started to creak slightly, the rain and thunder becoming louder.

    Serenity made her way to the door and opened it slowly bieng hesitant as she walked through the doorway feeling dark being's. She looked to her left as a woman came beside her, holding a dagger in her hand's her face disfigured. Missing an eye and her hair missing, as half of her mouth was also missing, showing most of her teeth, as she screamed in Serenity's ear, she shivered feeling her saliva on her neck as she just walked on turning around again, looking at her with her one eye glaring ever so slightly, and turned around and kept on walking.

    Serenity didn't want to chase after that being, she just wanted to know why demon's were in her house. She ran down the corridor seeing, undead all around the house, she ran into the ballroom seeing all of her family hanging one by one beside each other, thier faces black and blue. She walked up to their bodies as serenity dropped to her knee's, seeing the book of the dead opened. She slammed her hand's on the book screaming, as loud as she could.

    Serenity only closed the book after she stopped screaming, she slowly held out her hand's feeling blood drip into her hand's and started falling like rain, as it started flooding the floor, she just sat there holding her hand's against the ground. She cried, but never overpower the blood that started to stain her face. She stopped her crying,and stood up slowly as dark black blood ran from her dress. Her eyes turned black as she felt an anger from within. She gripped her dress and tore it with her brute strength, as it fell on the ground in pieces.
    Serenity stood there in her corset and white already stained as she walked out of the ballroom leaving her family hanging there, in their dead horror.
    Blood was dripping down the wall's, and falling from the ceiling's. She took a deep breathe feeling a hunger within her come alive, as her fang's grew over her lip's, everything on her body was twitching slightly. She could only think of how many death's have happened over the period of many hour's.

    Serenity walked up the stair's calmly and quietly, watching the undead loot the place, throwing thing's out of the room's and everything being a mess inside of her house. She only walked into the weaponry room and grabbed two of the katana's that her father most cherished and un-sheathed them, walking out of the door she stood in the hallway, getting an unknown courage from deep within her heart. She only took a deep breathe and yelled from the depth's of her throat,
    "Umen Shalmen Alra, Anuk Salimune!"

    The undead turned their head's and held thier hand's up in uproar, they did not look happy. They dropped all of the item's they were looting, just looking at her. As one undead grunted the other's just looked around, as they all ran quickly tword's her. Serenity smirked, and hit the tip's of the sword's on the floor. After one cut, she went beserk, everything in her path was destroyed. She took no mercy as she felt no remorse or feeling's, she was blank inside. She was nothing anymore, she felt like nothing. She stopped at the top of the stairwell, as she looked behind her seeing the body part's crawling around looking for part's to put together as she grabbed a matchstick off the floor and a bottle of carosine smashing it on the ground letting it splash everywhere, as she lit the matchstick throwing it over her shoulder as, the top floor started to catch a flame.

    Serenity walked down the stair's feeling the heat of the flames on her back, as the flames spread quickly. She held the katana's in her hand's tightly, she slowly walked down the corridor seeing the back door to the garden was wide open, she walked through and found herself faced with more of the undead, yet there was a man. Just standing there, he turned around. It was the man before, the one that took her away and knocked her out.

    Serenity lashed forward to slit his throat and take his life as he just grabbed her arm's appearing infront of her out of no where, as she caught her breathe as she looked into his eyes.

    "You are nothing I have ever seen Serenity, you have survived my bite, and survived a week in a tomb of death. You show no remorse over the dead people of your town. You shall come with me, and I will be your guide to this word of the undead." The man said with only a smile on his face and her in his hand's.

    The rain still fell and washed off her white bloodstained undergarment's as she only gave a nod of approval to his proposal. She was in his grasp. And he would never let go, or so she only thought.