• I looked around standing in my room, was me along with My moms face looking shock,
    and Micheal and Jake totally spazed out. The only person who didn't seem to be freaking out was Kate. I'm guessing she didn't quite understand what was happening.
    "ok lets just stop for a moment, and think about this Sam" My mom shocked face didnt disappear.
    "Sam i thought you said you didn't remember what happened to you. How do you know all of a sudden who was trying kill you?" Micheal suspected something.
    i decided to give up, and just tell them all about the dream i had that night in the hospital.
    throughout my dream i looked to see my mom and my friends gasp and cringed in horror.

    "Sam your "accident" didnt happen that way" Jake told me
    he reminded me how it went.
    "i know that. but maybe my subconsciouses is trying to tell me something" i wanted them to believe me, and not think i just totally lost my mind.

    "Sam i understand that this accident took a toll on you, but you have to understand that your mind can be playing tricks on you. by the way we don't know anyone in the school that fits that description." Micheal had a point

    I grunted angrily. i guess it was back to the drawing board.
    i was so close to finding out who was trying to kill me, and within just seconds, i was so far away.