• well this is the story that goes through my mind everytime i see your hear your name
    the story of the time we loved one another more then friends where we were in each others
    arms and didnt have a care in the world and that we could exchange small kisses and tell
    each other just how much we love each other as the world around us kept going. then a
    one little incident happened and then you left and never came back you took my love and
    i can never get it back i have to learn to love again but the journey is hard because
    its like a bad accident when you get hurt and your going to have to learn to walk again
    and to breathe again to know that its ok to love again. but thats the thing you were my
    first love of my life and you showed me love like no other and gave me the confidence to
    know that its ok to say i love you and i want to thank you but thats the thing you carry
    my heart as if it was nothing you dont even know its there and its so hard to go on with
    out your heart to love others that care for you and all i can think of is you this pain
    can be so unbearable sometimes and the greatest medicine in the world cant take it away
    you were the medicine for me and now that your gone i go through life in agony and pain
    i love you always and forever but im just a distant memory in your book and im no longer the
    chapter just a foot note and no longer the one you loved. but now im on my own seeing other
    people and i know for sure that im healed because guess what i dont care but the love of
    my life is still out there and im determined to find him!