Chapter 1
In a house not far from here, a corpse bride lay in her shed were she was beheaded.Her husband not very far from her in hay.In most occasions you think could this happen again?Or maybe twice after?In this town called "again" many different stories and legends are about to begin so sit tight and enjoy!Her name was Barbara Daileys and her husband was Austin Daileys.They both lived in a house on the hills on the street 5498 unhappily drive.Being the only occupants that had lived there made the house quite lonely.Having 2 hens,corn crops,and 1 cow made it easy to live there without having to go down the hill.Barbara finally snapped she had it she was going to go down the hill Austin would be to afraid to chase her.She plotted until she finally had the right plan she was going to go at night and trade her goods and come back.But Austin heard of her plans and new it would cause her pain.She did not know of the world she was in it had changed.Although she longed for it he kept her up there.Although they weren't human she could still get hurt.His heart was heavy his mother and father both died because of it.He couldn't explain the dangers the lay ahead.So he started to plot If she went down there she to would die.He knew that one day this one moment would happen.His heart filling with dread he had deprived her of knowing what was down there and when it was down there. The loss would be to much to bare didn't she understand that he did it for her own good?Either way she would die and wouldn't be with him.He had to kill her before she went down there.Finally he grabbed his axe and used the cutting board to sharpen it.
The axe was sharp and pointy.He had finally done it he was going to kill them both but how would he be able to?Theire must be a way oh I love her so.He then looked around the house and finally decided the tool shed!He unlocked the shed and found many olden death tools.Arrow,two sided tortue machine,daggers,and a two sided arrow.
This is all I have be a critic please and if you like it I might write more!
"again" town
"again" town is filled with many occupants not all living
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