• Sirens filled the night air as the red and blue lights flashed off the windows and the sound of crying faded into the sirens as they grew closer to the house at the end of the street. People gathered outside to see what could have happened so late at night. After a few moments they came out with something small on the bed, it was covered with a blanket. In the crowd was a small boy whose eyes stared at the covered figure with fear.

    ~~2 weeks earlier~~

    Clouds covered the afternoon sky, threatening to rain. Children were beginning to run inside to get warmer clothes and umbrellas. One person still sat on the swing at the playground while the rain began to pour down from the sky. The sound of the rain hitting the sidewalk and the sound of the rusty swing set filled the afternoon with a gloomy air. Suddenly the rain stopped but the sound continued. Looking up there was someone with an umbrella and a smile, “Why are sitting in the rain?” The voice was so sweet and kind, and the boys face was so gentle. “I’m swing.” Was the only answer the young girl could give the boy. “The boy laughed and her heart jumped around in her chest, his laugh was so carefree. “I’m James.” He said as he held out his hand. “I-I’m….Emily.” She took his hand, it was so warm even though the air was so cold. Emily didn’t know what the feeling was but she knew she was happy. He pulled her off the swing and smiled at her, ”I’ll walk you home.” “NO!” She yelled as she pulled away. His face looked at her in shock and then he let out a soft sigh and smiled at her again,”Fine. You can come over to my place.” He said as he took her hand and pulled her towards his house.

    They arrived at James’s house, it was warm and smelled of cookies and hot chocolate. She closed her eyes and took in the smell and smiled softly. She opened her eyes when the softness of the towel landed on her head. It was quick and relaxing as they sat on the floor wrapped up in a towel with hot chocolate in hand. “What grade are you in Emily?” James asked as he turned the TV on. ‘I’m in 6th.” She said quietly as she looked at her reflection in the hot chocolate. “That’s cool. I’m in 7th.” The two sat talking for awhile and before they knew it the rain had stopped and it was late. “I’ll walk you home.” “No. It’s ok.” She said with a smile and left the house after saying good-bye.

    The next day at school James spotted Emily walking with her head down. Her long black hair covered her face and her deep brown eyes focused on the floor. “Emily!” He shouted and ran towards her. She looked up and smiled at him, “Hi James.” Her voice sounded cheerful but there was something missing. The two spent lunch under a tree in the courtyard. The warm spring sun shined through the branches in a desperate search for their face. The laughter of the students and the sounds of their gossip rang through Emily’s ears. School was over for the weekend and that Saturday, Emily and James went to a movie and enjoyed the day together. James walked her home and heard yelling coming from inside the house, Emily had her head down as they walked up to her door. “DON’T LIE TO ME!” A deep voice yelled as the sound of a loud slapping noise followed after and then crying. “Bye.” Emily said all too quickly as she ran into the house and slammed the door. The rest of the weekend James spent the rest of the weekend wondering if Emily was ok. The following Monday Emily didn’t show up to school and James skipped lunch to go visit her. The sky was once again covered in clouds but no sign of rain. This time when he arrived the house was much quieter, too quiet for him. Three knocks echoed through the house as he waited a reply. It wasn’t long till a woman who looked like Emily but with green eyes instead, answered the door. “Yes?” She asked as she gave him a sweet smile, even though the bruise was plain on her face. “I-Is Emily home?” He asked trying to ignore the bruise. The woman looked down and sighed, “I’m afraid not. Her father took her out shopping today.” The next day the clouds were till moving lazily along the sky as rain fell from them and thunder rang through the sky like a church bell and lightening lit up the gloomy sky. Emily was there today but very distant and quiet. The day dragged on longer than normal and it was driving James crazy, the rain went on the rest of the day and half way through the night. The following day dragged on even longer and the sun was high and not a cloud was left in the sky, making it hot and dry. James sat in the classroom watching the students outside in the courtyard enjoying the sun. He hadn’t seen Emily yet that day. But outside he swore he saw her sitting alone on the other side of the soccer field. James began to worry about Emily and took her to the park after class and asked her about what had happened to her over the weekend. She didn’t talk and only rubbed her arms as though someone had locked her in the freezer. “Emily you can tell me anything.” He said as he gently placed a hand on her shoulder. Emily flinched slightly and then let out a soft sigh and explained to him how her father found out that her mother had cheated on him the day before they were married and that she was not his daughter. Because of that he has become an alcoholic and had began to hit her mother. The two sat and talked for a long time till it began to get dark and by then Emily’s face was soaked with tears, strains of black hair stuck to her cheeks. By the following day Emily seemed a lot happier, and she remained that way for the rest of the week. But James didn’t trust that because even though she smiled and laughed like nothing was wrong. That weekend he went to go visit her but no one was home so he left and went off to the arcade alone. If only he had waited he would have heard the sobs of Emily as she was beaten by her father. That night he heard the sound of sirens heading towards Emily’s house. He began running to see what happened. He saw her father being pushed into a police car and Emily’s small body being pulled into the ambulance with a white sheet pulled over her face, at that moment hot tears rolled down his face.