• America.
    Buildings are being torn down and destroyed as we speak.
    Corruption grips the minds of even the nation's youngest.
    Destruction is seen at every turn.
    Eventuall collapse is in the government's future.
    Finally, we, the people, will have a voice.
    Government officials are trying to rebuild their crumbling economy.
    Heroes of war are returning to their families.
    Iraq is being seiged by its neighboring countries.
    Justice is being served to the wrongdoers without hesitation.
    Killing is haulted in major cities of crime.
    Love again embraces the country.
    Mankind can prosper this way.
    Nuculear warfare is long forgotten.
    Open-minded individuals start new foreign policy.
    Practical energy sources replace fossil fuels.
    Quiet people think to themselves, "Could this get any better?"
    Reason becomes our new Constitution.
    Salvation comes in the form of organized society.
    Turn your attention to the skies.
    Unleashing a barrage of missles, terrorists strain to complete their mission.
    Valient armed forces neutralize the threat.
    Weapons of mass destruction are finally found.
    X-ray technology detects and deactivates hidden bombs.
    Your nation, my nation, our nation, can now peacefully sleep.
    Zealous efforts were made by the terrorist threat, but in the end, we are victorious.