• "They speak of me as if im a god but in fact i am but a mere demon waiting for the right time to take out the lord of this world...Creed..."
    Creed hears laughing coming from the pitch black woods.
    He sees a dark figure running through th woods.
    "I see you wish to fight me do you." Creed says with a smirk.
    "Ha, your not a match for me Creed!" Draghinazzo says almost instantly apearing behind Creed.
    "It would seem you know me, What are you? Low demons such as yourself fascinate me. Well i guess i can humer you for awhile. Engage!" Creed says in a humered way.
    Draghinazzo claws apear.
    Creed unsheaths his two swords.
    Draghinazzo starts with slashing away in a wild fashion at Creed, Cutting down his face and baraly missing his neck.
    Creed repels one hand.
    Draghinazzo stabs Creed in the heart than forcing his claws to slice upward through Creed's rib cage.
    "As i said nothing!" Draghinazzo says getting close up to Creeds face.
    Creed laughs demonicly.
    "You really think im that easy to kill." Creed says putting his hand on Draghinazzo's face than throwing him back.
    Creed heals instantly.
    "Hmm, Your more worthy an opponent than i expected. But still nothing." Draghinazzo says standing back up.
    Draghinazzo jumps up into the trees.
    "Coward." Creed says not suprized.
    "Hmm, Ha ha ha ha, so unknowing of your seroundings. This is your exacutioning Creed!" Draghinazzo says while laughing maniacly.
    Creed sees a figure jump high into the air from the trees and slowly start falling down, soon the figure is right in front of his face slashing at him with his claws some how staying in the air as if defying gravity itself.
    Creed trying to block every attack gets stabed in the neck with the claws of his opponent Draghinazzo.
    Draghinazzo falls and lands on his feet to the ground claws still inside Creeds neck, Than stabbing his heart once more but this time taking it out. Using his left hand which are still in his enemy to decapatate him this battle was won by Draghinazzo.
    But know this fight is now over for Creed is never completely dead.