• Moon Child
    By Katherine Lingwood

    A man, cloaked in black with his eyes covered in shadow, sat in front of the seer. The perfumed smell of incense burned his nose. The seer, a young woman with the dark hair of the Lunar’s, watched him closely. She could see the golden hair, the hair of a Son of Naolin, coming out from under the dark cloak. “What purpose does a Solar have here? Our clans have long since gone on separate paths.” He shifted, uncomfortable in his chair. Trying to move his hair back under the hood, but keeping his eyes in the shadow the whole time.
    “I need you to answer a question.” He said softly, he had been scared, nay, terrified to come here. Many times he had been told of the savagery of some of the Lunar’s. But he had to come, it was his final option.
    “Tell me, why should I help you? Being who you are and what you think of us.” He flinched back at the words. “I’m not going to hurt you.”
    “I’m sorry, but as you said. Being who I am you know what would happen if I was found here.” He answered, looking around him nervously. The seer could clearly hear the edge in his voice. This only conformed who he was.
    “No one can get in here with out my knowledge. We wouldn’t want our precious crown prince to be uncomfortable no would we?” The seer leaned forward, placing her chin on her intertwined fingers. “Now would your highness please tell me your reason for coming?” Her piercing eyes concentrating on the prince. Trying to see through the shadow covering his eyes.
    “Will you please stop with the formalities Kynthia? You know why I came.” The prince became suddenly more comfortable.
    “As always, you are right Helia. You’re looking for an answer on the war. You, like few others, want it to end without the destruction of either the Son’s of Naolin or the Daughters of Chandra. I wise choice, but you have few who will follow you.” Concern crossed Kynthia’s face.
    “I know what I’m getting into, though I’m hoping that you would join me old friend.” His golden eyes escaping from the shadow. The liquid gold, so deep you could almost see right into his soul.
    “I know it doesn’t make a difference what I say, but could you please try to be careful. Your future is fading, I don’t want it to disappear.” Her voice was pleading now. Helia was stunned; he had never seen her face like that.
    “It wont go anywhere Kynthia. I’m not going to die. But I need your help, please tell me what I can do to help my people. I need your help.” Helia pleaded.
    “There is no way I can talk you out of this?”
    Sighing, Kynthia closed her eyes. The room grew cold and icy, wind blowing tapestries off the wall. And as she spoke in a voice that was not hers, the prophecy that would determine the outcome of the war was spoken.

    “As a war rages through the land of night and day,”
    “When the end is close at hand, one child will end the fray.”
    “Only one group will survive, the child to make the fated choice.”