• Four weeks later...
    The pup where finally old enough to come out side of the den and eat meat. The first pup to try was the bigest,stongest, and the only female pup of the three. Her name was Sakura (cherry blossom). She got her name from the spot on her sholder that looks like a Cherry blossom. The second strongest pup than ate after her. His name was Naito (night). He got his name because of his dark fur and he is nearly impossable to se at night. The last pup Baka( idiot) was the last to eat. He went up to Kawii and bit his lip. Kawii snareld at Baka and olmost killed him but Amai's wing sprung out and cut the very tip of Kawii's ear off. Kawii yelped and ran off with his tale between his legs. He hid behind a tree and watched Baka bight Amai's lips, Amai then regergitated food for him. Kawii then understooed what had happened, the pup was tring to get food, not tring to pick a fight. Kawii herd a noice and looked up. Baka was licking his ear where it had been cut off. Kawii got up and brought the pup back to Amai. Kawii was forgivin all ready because him and Amai where like brothers. At the end of the day Sakura and Naito snuggeld with there father and went to sleep, Baka stayed with Kawii and went to sleep. In the morning Kuro's brother, Kumo, paid a suprize visit. Sakura went right up and pulled on Kumo's tail. Naito then went up and rolled on his back. Baka refused to leave Kawii's side. He only looked at his grate uncle and hid behind Kawii. Kawii laughed and said "Why are so so afried to leave my side Baka,". "I just dont fill safe with any one but you and mother.", he said. "Ok, Iwill rais you as if you where my son.", Kawii said and gromed Baka.