• Prologue

    Panting and out of breath, a man had fallen to the ground from what seemed to be running. Giving a moan he put his hand to his head and started to get up wearily. Suddenly remembering why he had fallen down in the place, he jerked around and revealed nothing but the shadows where behind him on the long silent street. Giving a sigh and was now resting where he had fallen, He removed his black top hat from his head and ran his long slender fingers through his thick black hair. He looked to be about twenty , tall, slender and above all delicate looking. His body was covered in mostly a green jacket that had a series of belts holding it skin tight to his body. He wore black and what seemed to be some sort of leather was also skin tight. Straightening himself up, he stood up and looked back down the street he had been running through he remained to see nothing at all. Finally giving up he turned around to begin walking he immediately ran into something. Gasping, he realized it was what he was running from and froze from fear. Standing at least twice as tall as the man and cold to the touch, the being having a dark metallic look mixed with the shadows caused the being to look like death himself.

    " Xavier Half-Demon, you are under arrest" Spoke the massive creature, keeping its fiery eyes locked onto it's target. Xavier opened his mouth to protest when he suddenly realized he was falling. Cursing under his breath for being struck he desperately tried to catch himself from hitting the ground. Frowning he finally gave up and hit the ground once more only to not get up this time. He was angry at himself for being hit and even more scared that he had been caught.

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    Chapter one
    A rude awakening