• The baby girls cries could be heard throughout the otherwise silent night as its tearful mother carried it to the stream in her holding area in a basket. There was a tiny hole in the stone wall to let water in and out, barely big enough for the basket to go through, certainly not large enough for a full grown woman. She propelled the basket forward gently and cried harder, knowing that she would never see her baby again because she was going to be burnt at the stake at dawn for witchcraft, even though she wasn't really a witch.
    The newborns cries quieted as it bobbed up and down the stream away from her mother, never knowing that inside of her tiny body lay the seeds of budding magic.
    Animals followed the basket to a large river, at which point a animal swam out, grabbed the basket, and swam to the other shore and into a nearby village. The animal that had swam it across stayed with it until it was found, as the sun began to rise.