In a far off land of imagination, a figure stood between to roads. Long, black-blue hair concealed in a loose braid, ripped cloth covers her body, her heart tattered. The wind howls through the gray sky as she stares off, tears streaming down from her ice-blue eyes. "What has happened?" she whispers to herself.
The girl stands there for what seems like hours, when suddenly it turned dark and strong arms wrap around her. She felt lips reach her ear, whispering: "Come to the place where the Lone Flower grows," The girl shivers. The arms quickly unwound, quiet footsteps walking around to face her. The dark man says "You there, come closer."
She heitates, then slowly walked forward. Her hand slowly winds around the man's outstreatched fingers. He pulls her gently along with him.
Slowly, they walked through dark unkown woods. The scenery changed, leaving the girl breathless as she stared at the small meadow. She looked around, then looked down at herself, her cloths were changed to dark clothing, so soft and luxurious she couldn't decied whether to look away or keep staring. Cold fingers gently lifted her chin and she looked into the eyes of the man. Same hair and eyes as her own, only older. He stared at her with lust, taking in her beautiful features as she took in his.
Ever so softly, he whispered sweet words of intoxicating seduction, pulling her into him. She closed her eyes as he quietly layed her to the ground, still whispering tempting words. He held her closely, feeling her line, hoping she feels his. Suddenly, he stops talking and kisses her with all the love he was capable of. She kissed him back with the same emotion. It stopped. The man pulled away to look at her, when she suddenly whispered "Syracuse?" He responded by saying "Jareth,"
They both slowly stood up as black wings engulfed them in darkness, leaving the meadow without a trace. Together forever.
The Lone Flower
based on the song "The Lone Flower" by Sackcloth Fashion
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