• "We're here." the driver called back to them, pulling up to an impressive looking building. They both stepped out of the cab and Manna paid the man with the money she took from her mother.
    She and Sam walked up to the building and Mana paid to get in, this time with her mom's ATM card. Tentively and trying not to attract attention they walked into The Smithsionian Museum of Natural History.
    As they walked through the building looking for anyone wearing a security uniform, they couldn't help but look at some of the exhibits. Everything was so impresive. Neither of them had ever been in a building that big, that had that many expensive things in it. However as they walked through the place Mana kept seeing the same man. It was like he was following them.
    She didn't know why he stuck out to her. He just did. With midnight black hair that was tied back and fell between his shoulderblades and blue eys, perhaps it was because he was so handsome. It didn't matter though, because she couldn't shake the feeling that he was following them.
    After they had been there about an hour and the crowds had thinned substandtualy, she became sure he was following them. While they were looking at The Hope Diamond Mana felt the hairs on the back of her neck stand on end. Turning around she saw the dark haired man advancing on them.
    She grabbed Sam's shoulder and pulled her around. Mana saw the only two other people in the room were standing in front of either corridor. The only way out was to run around the case carring The Hope Diamond. Mana turned back to face the man as he was now only three feet from them.
    "Why hello. I belive you have a letter that belongs to me." The man had a look on his face that sent shivers down Sam's spine.
    "What are you talking about? Who are you?" Mana asked not trusting him at all.
    Smirking the man replide. "I am Calem." he had an awful smirk on his face. "The king of shadows." The man took a step forward. "The letter please. I can't have you giving it to Niora now can I?"
    Mana remembered Calem mentioned in the letter. "Whay do you want it?" She was prepared to run, dragging Sam along if she had to.
    "Now let's not try any thing foolish. Just hand over the letter and I promise I won't hurt you." Calem took another step forward menecingly.
    "Somehow I don't belive you." Mana grabbed Sam's arm and darted to the right, tword the farther exit.
    Laughing, Calem smirked obviosly enjoying himself.
    They had run only a few steps when they heard a loud deep roar that sounded like a cross between a dragon and a wolf snarling. Befor they got very far something jumped in front of them from behined. Landing on all fours in front of them, the creature they saw made them stop in their tracks.
    Standing they saw it was Calem, but completly differant. His pale skin was now black as pitch. He had a stark white skeletal pattern over his skin and a pair of horns that curved back over the top of his head.
    "You should have given me the letter." He spoke reveling sharp fanglike teeth. He was a demon