• It was the day before Gaia released it's new mmo zOMG, the long awaited game of millions around the world. They were preparing to open up every single server they plus buy some more so that every Gaia player could log in to zOMG at once. They planned a big party in the new game with tons of prizes and games, that will last the first day release ensuring all the players will log on that day. Unfortunately, while they prepared the hundreds of servers something invaded the system. The guy working on the servers noticed something on the screen but then it disappeared quickly hiding itself before detection. The Gaia employee shook his head and, since he had been up all night, dismissed the blip and continued working. Little did he know that that "little blip" was secretly infecting every server Gaia had.
    "Finally," the guy said. "it's ready for tommorow's event"
    The next day the servers were overflowing with gaia avatars every single one logged on zOMG. In the starting room were all the characters were playing games and winning prizes, there were some many avatars that you could see the ground anywhere on the screen. You could see a sea of speech bubbles talking about how cool the new game was. All of a sudden the ability to type messages was lost and everyone in the game froze.
    All the screens looked toward a dark avatar floating above everyone. "I hope you all enjoy this new game because it will be the last thing you ever see." said the dark figure who then rose his hand and a purple orb appeared in it. "Unleash your power Dark Mind Virus!!!!!"
    All over the world millions of Gaia players disappear and the lucky one who were'nt on the game at the time were shut out from the site completely.

    To be continued...