• :It was a Monday morning and i was so excited i was gonna aduiton for Gaia's next top model. 12:00PM: I am about to adution the judes are Dr sigh,Timmy and Anna feris. 12:24:Ive made it!! i rocked it and im in the top 25.

    12th of November 5:55pm: Our first photoshoot was we had to pose in winter dresses. 9:59:I'm now in the top 12 yes!!! Im so excited im on the way to become Gaia next top model!!!

    14th of November 6:16:am we have been giving todays challenge we have to interview Trya Banks boring.... the chalenge winner was Whitney yay the b***h one!!! I forgwas eliemernaited it was Sarah, Rose and Britney. 9 models left.
    ot about my name its the fab name Katy.16th of November 3:00pm: Our photo shoot is that we must do an ad for Gaia's November Monthly Collectable.Eveciton Day Today 3 Models were elimernated due that 2 quit and 1 mrgreen::ch
    Week 3 Omg this weeks challenge was to host our own party Anya won.
    Our photoshoot was for Ganel glases and Anya surprise!! and Emily 5 models left we are going to Hawwi.

    Our challenge was to be inteviewd by Britney Galas and guss who one meeeee i one pearls and our photo shot was for Gaia Arenas we said bye to Amis and lizze 3 models left (katy mee) (Martha b***h) and ( Louise liar)

    Gaiagirl comercal in france bye Louise . Late we did the runway i was so excited i was in the final 2 so when i walked everone was claping but b***h marth riped my dress (b***h) . Trya Called the winner Katy i won finally after all the pain hard work and corage i won.
    eese: idea heart