• Yori stood there and looked into the wide blue sky.
    The sky was clear and calm, nothing took away its gentle nature.
    She bowed her head and closed her eyes slowly.
    She listened closely to the breeze of the wind as she lost her self in thought about the one she loved.
    Yori had a feeling, a feeling of someone standing behind her.
    The presence of the person came closer until she could feel something wrapping around her chest.
    she had felt this feeling before, it was the feel of a hug.
    A gentle whisper brushed pass her ear.
    "I love you, Yori.....and i always will"

    Her eyes opened quickly as she realised the voice of the one she loved whispered to her.
    She turned around quickly to see that no one was there.
    The feeling of someone being there and the voice was all made up in her head.