• Today is your birthday
    and tomorrow is not
    But everyday can be your birthday it you want!

    As long as you take drugs everything can go your way
    drugs and life is definitely how I play
    also if you take drugs it'll be your birthday
    but you might OD : O

    But thats always okay by me!
    Because everyone OD's
    And it was your birthday, everyday!
    But know you have to pay

    It was your birthday, and it was so happy
    Like that one time that clown choked on taffy
    If i had a baby I'd name it raffy!

    While they all laugh at that
    I would be happy
    Just like the clown slappy

    Remember at the birthday when i tried to bake
    and i made that chocolate cake
    and i frosted it to look like a wicked cool snake
    But it couldn't bite you cause it was fake!

    But you were too hung up
    to care.
    It left you a good scare.
    Like a wild bear!

    And you got so good presents too
    Like the board game Clue
    But you got non-tangible gifts also foo!
    Like friendship and that mp3 file that's just a moo

    So I'm glad today was your birthday
    And tomorrow will be too
    As long as we don't OD
    No one will be blue
    Or catch the flu!

    It would be kinda bad if you were to die
    but I'd understand and i would just sigh
    Wasn't it cool how my cake wasn't dry
    Yay, your not dead, i bet the it was cake was why
    Well it's the end of my song so I'll say bye, byeeeeeeeeee!
