• 15-year-old Rina Goldenraye sat in front of her brother's grave, sobbing. She remembered the last time she had seen him before he had dissappeared from her life forever as if it had happened just yesterday...
    ~flashback~ 14-year-old Kira Goldenraye was roused from his deep musing when his 12-year-old little sister, Rina, pounced on him.
    "Rina..." he began in a stern tone, but seeing Rina's smiling face made him forget all about being annoyed with her. Rina sat hin her brother's lap and snuggled against him, wrapping her arms around his waist. She loved her big brother more than anything and couldn't imagine life without him. Kira smiled gently and wrapped his arms around her shoulders.
    "Love you too, my little sister. I'll always be here to protect you...I promise." he murmured softly, gently petting her soft silver hair. His promise would be one that he would keep always, even after death. Rina snuggled deeper into her brother's warm embrace. She had no doubt that her brother would always protect her no matter what. However, the tranquility did not last very long, for the Deathknights barged in, dark swords drawn. They grabbed Rina from her brother's arms and threw her against the wall. They surrounded her, glaring. She cowered, curling up into a fetal position as she began to cry in fear. Kira knew he had to protect his dearest little sister, and he ran to her, shielding her with his body.
    "Don't even think about hurting my little sister, you jerks!"
    The Deathknights merely kicked him out of the way, then raised their swords, preparing to kill Rina. Rina screamed and flinched, waiting to be slashed to pieces. But that moment never came. She opened her eyes to find the knights gone, yet what she saw before her eyes caused her world to shatter. Lying on the floor in front of her was a dying Kira.
    "Kira!" she cried as she ran to him, kneeling on the floor and propping him up against her. She began to sob brokenly. "K-kira...don't leave me, big brother...I don't want you to die...!"
    Kira gazed up at her wearily and reached up to gently wipe away her tears.
    "Don't...cry for me, Rina..."
    "Y-you can't die...I need you...please don't go away..."
    "Rina..." Kira whispered softly, taking off his blue wolf pendant and placing it around her neck. "Rina...I want you...to take this pendant...keep it forever..." Rina nodded, still crying.
    "I'll never take it off, big brother...I'll keep it always..."
    Kira smiled weakly.
    "Don't cry anymore, little one...remember...I'll always be there to protect you...try to be strong...Rina...for me...You know...you'll be in my heart...I will be with you...always...so don't forget me...I love you, Rina...my dearest little sister...for forever and beyond..." he smiled at her weakly, then closed his eyes in eternal slumber.
    "I will...try to be strong...for you...Kira...goodbye..." Rina continued to sob brokenheartedly. She would never forget this day as long as she lived. ~end flashback~
    Rina gripped her blue wolf pendant tightly, remembering that mournful day of her dear brother's death. The wolves sitting around her lifted their heads up high and howled mournfully in memory of the warm and gentle blue wolf named Kira Goldenraye. As Rina looked up at the blue moon shining in its fullness, she could almost see her beloved brother's face smiling down at her. And the spirits of the white wolf and the blue wolf called to one another; the wolves' song that had a mournful yet loving tune lifting her heart as it flowed through her very soul.