• He didn’t know what to expect. New town, new school, new life. What was he supposed to do? Did his parents expect him to make new friends? He didn’t know, and didn’t care. His parents didn’t care about him. They just wanted to make themselves look perfect. In his little town, in the middle of nowhere. Was he a nobody? He had read about these little towns. They had a little population, and nothing exciting ever happened. The characters in his books always found a way to escape, and when they ran away, they always found adventure. He was always looking for adventure. He was underage, but he knew how to drive. Getting in his parents car, he told himself this was the only way. He needed to do something. He couldn’t stay here, and his parents wouldn’t even notice him gone. And if they did, they wouldn’t’ care. They would only be mad that he took their expensive SUV, which he would have to dump, like the characters in his books. If he didn’t, his parents would find him. He told himself, to turn the keys in the ignition, and hit the gas. But he couldn’t. Only one thing kept him back. Megan.
    Megan sat in her bed, shivering. Ever since Eric had told her he didn’t belong, couldn’t fit in with the rest of the town, she knew what he had been thinking. She knew his train of thought. So much it interfered with her dreams. She knew him and that he would follow the charcters in his books. He was so special. So protective of her. He never told her she coulnd’t do it, he never interfered with her dreams. He was good looking, and many girls in the school has come on to him. But he had lightly pushed them away. He was quiet, and thoughtful. His hair was a light golden brown, and had a life of its own. Megan loved how they could just sit together and not say anything. But something had seemed very wrong lately. Eric had been getting more distant, pushing her away. Her heart was crying. She clutched the necklace around her neck. From Eric. It was beautiful in the sense of nature. A tiger, laying down with a deer’s head. It was engraved unto silver, shining like morning dew. She knew not the meaning, but kept it close to her heart. It was sacred. Anything to do with Eric was sacred.