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    ((setting is a Victorian era.a small town. very simple))

    "Dimetri?...Come here for a moment." A raspy voice called out. A small boy ran up to her from a small bookcase inside the large family book room. He looked about 6, with short black hair and bright green eyes that brightened even the most saddest being.
    "Yes grandmother?" His small innocent voice rang in the elderly woman's ears as did it echo in the room. The elder gently shooed a strand of black hair from the boy's eyes, who smiled at the touch.
    "Now Dimetri,look into the moon. What do you see?"
    He looked out the large window, concentrating on the moon. 'The...moon?' He thought wondering what he was to see.
    "Well my little rose?" The elder asked again.
    Dimetri giggled and looked up at her.
    "I saw mommy and daddy! They were watching me!" He exclaimed.
    The woman smiled warmly, chuckling.
    "Yes...Every night they'll be with you..."

    Chapter 1: The beginning.

    "So here we are." Dimetri muttered under his breath, waking to his senses from the flashback. He looked out the window of the old hospital, thinking what would happen now. He smiled at how young and careless he was back then. He was now 18, a strapping young man, well built and tall. His short black hair was now long, down to his shoulders at least. Next to him in the other bed was his grandmother, sick with the plague just as he was. He watched her breathe, it slow...almost stopping.

    He sighed and sat up in his bed, wincing from the bed sores from laying everyday and every night. He coughed and looked down.
    "I'll soon be with them...Mother and Father."
    He turned back to his grandmother, wanting to hug her and tell her she'd get better, but he was still weak with the sickness.
    'She hasn't any longer...' He thought and then realized he didn't have long as well. He lowered himself back down to the bed, feeling light headed. His long hair sprawled behind him against the white pillow. He was tan, just as his father was many many years ago. Before the catching of the sickness, some called him by his father's name. His green eyes once bright and inviting were now glossy with sickness but still held the innocence from before. He coughed again.
    "Damn plague."
    "Plague?" Came a high pitched voice.
    He sat up quickly,regretting it soon after. A female touch grabbed his shoulder. His eyes widened. "Wha-"
    "Ah,calm down boy! It's me, Cami."
    He laid back down and there stood a pale blond haired girl. She grinned and waved.

    "Oh. Hello Cami. Why are y-"
    "I'm here because you're about to die, lad. You got about....30 minutes I think."
    Dimetri's eyes widened.
    "But Grandmother! She'll need me!" He jumped out of the bed and limped over to the elderly woman. He tried to forget the pain in his body but Cami stopped him.
    "She's gone, lad. I'm sorry."
    Dimetri sat on the edge of his bed, knowing he had just lost everything. His grandmother was all he had since his Mother and Father's disappearance.
    Tears ran down his cheeks as Cami tapped her foot in annoyance.

    "My god lad! I have a cure! You're not dying yet!" She said.
    Dimetri quickly looked at her.
    "Cami! You could have saved her! Why didn't you-"
    Cami glared at him, the intense fire and anger in her eyes making him shiver.
    "She was already done for. There was nothing I could do. Now do you want the damn cure or not?"
    Dimetri sighed and clenched his fists.
    "Yes. I haven't got much longer. Give me the cure now-"
    He suddenly clenched his heart it burning in his chest, pain surging throughout his whole body. He yelled out in pain and sprawled out on the hospital bed.
    He closed his eyes, his hands dropping from his chest. He only had a few moments of life left. But Cami walked over slowly and grinned, standing over him as if enjoying his little pain.
    "Hold still."

    ~~Chapter 2~~

    "Hey! Times up."
    A young man looked up from a paper. His bright green eyes looked to the tall man in the front who was beginning to collect the papers. He handed his in and walked out of the classroom,un-noticed.He walked among the shadows, his green eyes bright.
    It was October 2009, far from the young man's time.

    Now he lived here. Forever wishing his life back. To go back. To be back.
    He opened the door to his house, the old mansion. e stepped inside and his additude changed completly. A young girl stood there and smiled at him. She had fangs.....and his eyes widened.

    "Dimmi~! You're home~!" She cried out and hugged him. "....Yes...Hello Cami." Dimetri replied and sighed. "I see you're home early."

    Cami smiled and looked at Dimetri's hand. "...You brought...food?"
    "We have to eat."
    "We're vampires."
    "And your point?" He walked into the kitchen and Cami followed, her long brown hair following her every graceful step.
    "We drink blood." She said simply and sat on the counter. Any man would fall for her charm and grace but surprisingly, Dimetri never did and never would. That's how they became friends. As he opened the fridge in the old house he looked inside.
    There were filled viles of blood, not filled completely, not big at all. They were all they had to survive. He took one and popped off the cap.

    "Dimmi?...What can we do tonight??" Cami whined and flashed her fangs as she yawned.

    Dimetri glanced at her as he took a drink. "..We hunt." He said and his green eyes turned into red, a sign of his playful side and his hunger.

    Cami squealed and hopped off the counter, hugging Dimetri almost too quickly. His eyes went to normal and he sighed.

    She looked up at him. "Yes?"
    She did a few times.

    "Thank you.." He whispered and walked up to his room...the attic

    Dimetri opened his door and shut it,locking it tightly. He looked up at his coffin shaped bed and sat on it, eventually laying down.
    He shut his eyes and saw that day....
    The day he became a vampire.....
    ((flash back))

    Dimetri sat up, and felt a sharp pain in his neck. He reached up and touched it....He felt something wet on his hands.

    He brought his hand up to his face and his eyes widened. Blood.
    "So...You're awake?" He glanced up quickly and saw Cami, her mouth covered with blood.

    She laughed and wiped her mouth. "Welcome..." She said and walked to him.....

    Dimetri jumped up at the sound of thunder in the distance. He had very sensetive ears so he heard Cami down stairs humming....

    "....Uggh." He sighed and felt his head...It was dripping with sweat.

    "I must've fallen asleep.." He muttered and stood up, looking outside at the upcoming storm, the dream still flashing in his eyes.