• I have been here for little more than a week. The city above has turned on me because I am a theif, And as such they've decided I'm not fit to live. I hear the screams of the others. Most do not scream from the tourture; but the fear of what is to come. It's the wait that gets most of them, I think they are burning the others, I have seen the furnace they are burning the others in...
    It has two switches, the switch closest to the furnace sends the victim in.
    I hear flames,then screams,then nothing. I am lucky though, I have found a soft rock to write with, maybe if I keep writing I can keep my sanity long enough to escape. It's been two weeks, still they bring me no food; I eat from the moss that grows on these walls......but I am becomming weak. I have not seen any of the gaurds that work in this pit,though sometimes I see a shadow.
    But it doesn't look human, why don't the gaurds say some thing? ANYTHING?
    I am becomming paranoid, What has the city above dammned me to?

    It's been.....can't remember time. Can't think, Scrape at walls with fingers.....I bleed. must escape the shadows will get me!!