• User ImageAnd yet the breeze came again, covering me in its delightfulness-the green golden trees pointing out which direction to which it headed for. The other plants just did the same; they just followed the leader because they knew no better. And I. I just stood there and let it push me to the end of the field. What other way would I have gone? My eyes wandered over the edge, watching the fall down to the bottom. It was surely one great rocky fall. One who fell over would have just awakened to the other side and know nothing of the place they have gone. Standing there- higher than the other-did rather make you feel great. As if you could be ruler of everything your eyes laid upon. But I know that can never be. The land would be snatched up by some greedy hands by the time I would walk down to it. The world was always like this. First come, first serve. And the losers? Who really cared about them? They would just be forgotten by the "winners" of this cruel world-everyday getting even worse. That rocky fall did seem better, yet even more. If I just walked away, I would go back to my misery-back to the criminals of the city to be all alone and no one to care for me. But if I jumped. I would be oh so peaceful and calm. The other side would welcome me as a newcomer...comfort me...always be there for me. I could decide right here and now. Can't you see it? Can you see the city burning with all its hatred and greed. Can you feel the blood on the streets that were spilled for no reason, but for the love of the game? I can. I can feel, breathe, and see all of it as clearly as a vision. The streets show it. Only the dead is not able to experience what the living can. Yet, only the dead can remember what has been committed during their life. I looked over the edge again, still watching the bottom. The grass grows greener here. The grass gets closer here...