• "These must be the two like the prophecy had said" Said a Sweet Voice.
    "How can you be sure?" Asked A Big Booming Voice
    "Now now am i ever wrong..?" said the Sweet Voice again only this time with a bit of sting to it.
    "Ok i will send a messenger down now" Said the Loud Deep Voice.
    The two people that the Voices were talking about were Casey and Jenna they were best of friends. Always hanging out and doing stuff for each other. Casey was a boy not a nerd but not quite popular. He was really Skinny He had dirty blond hair and was smiling most of time. Jenna now was short and had long red hair that she always wore down. She was slender and had many freckles.
    Casey and Jenna were talking. "So do you want to come over to my house after school" asked Casey closing his locker.
    Jenna replied,"Sure what time do you want me to be over?:
    Casey said, "Anytime is good" with a smile on his face.
    So they both went home after that and a few hours later Jenna called Casey "Hello?"
    "Hi Jenna" said Casey.
    "Oh ill be over in 5 minutes" she said. She began scream help me help me.
    Then a dark voice came on the phone, "Hello Enlightened one my masters wish to speak with you also if you want to see Jenna again meet at Crystal lake when the moon shines its fullest:"
    "W-Who is this?" asked Casey scare now. But there was no answer. He checked his calendar for the full moon it was tonight. "Okay so ill bring a Crowbar and a small knife for protection." He got a crowbar with a hole in it and tied rope through it so he wouldn't lose it he pocketed the knife.
    The messenger stood where the boy would enter. His masters on rock in the middle of the lake. "When will the boy be here?" asked the big voice
    "Now Now Al calm down"
    "But Celine its been 3 hours.." ,Said Al,"and i am tired"
    The messenger called out " The boy he issss here what ssshal i do now my masssstersss?"
    "Just wait Kyugo you will be awarded soon enough" said Celine.
    Casey was running full speed with the crowbar held like a mighty sword, he saw Kyugo and swung with full might the crowbar going through him like he was mist. "Damn" he yelled at Kyugo "Were is Jenna?"
    "Calm down Ssson you have not yet met my massterss" he said. He walked over to Casey pick him up and flying him to the rock.
    "Perfect" yelled Celine "Now lets do out buisness"
    " We ask for help from the Legendary Swordsman and the Powerful Summoner" said Al.
    "Y-You must have us confused with some other people." said Casey.
    "No it cant be i have the sacred prophecy tablet here it shows two of you who like you"
    Al Knocked them un-concious and carried them to his castle.