• Part One: CLICK!

    Tables were overturned downstairs, drowning out the cries of "Where is it?!" in several different languages. Ceruleagos chewed on her bottom lip as she listened to the action, the wait driving on her sanity. A moment passed and then she heard it.

    "There is nothing here." A familiar man voice would silence the chaos and perked Ceru's interest.

    "How do yanno?" The sneering accent of a humanoid would question it and she could only imagine the look on the man's face.

    "Are you blind or just ignorant?" The familiar man spoke again, his tone showing hostility. "The insignia I wear across my chest should be enough for you to not question me. I have checked the vicinity and there is nothing here."

    Ceru could hear the footsteps of several people leave the tavern, but didn't let that distract her. A pair were heading up the steps to see her. She quickly moved to the edge of the balcony and peered down - too far to make a jump.

    "You're not that stupid of a girl, Jovis." Came the voice that defended her earlier. Ceru felt her body stiffen up, her fingers grasping the wood tightly.

    "Suraku could be down there..." Ceru murmured an excuse knowing full well that he wouldn't buy it. Nallaen had known her long enough to determine her bullshit from reality.

    The man would chuckle as he approached her, placing his hand gently on the back of her shoulder. "We are the only Dragonkin in Stormwind - you by an unfortunate circumstance and I by my flight's influence with the Kirin Tor." Nallaen spoke in Draconic to veil his words.

    "So the Dragon Queen is getting involved..." Ceru knew better than to growl but felt herself unable to control it. She had been trying to mentally prepare herself for the downfall for hours.

    Nallaen pulled away and circled around behind her in a pattern, his eyes focused on her. "I'm not going to idle around, Jovis... so tell me right off the bat." It was approaching fast. "What will you follow - your pride or your heart?"

    There it was. He had worded it awkwardly and threw her a curve ball. "I think the Spellweaver has a good idea going on." Ceru blurted out in anger.

    "What?!" She obviously upset Nallaen who whirled around to face her. "Have you gone nuts like the rest of them?"

    "These mortals abuse the power they acquire and you know it to be true!" Ceru would turn to face him now, her expression scowling at him.

    "You are charged to govern magic, not keep it for yourselves!" Their argument would be interrupted by a cry from beneath the balcony.

    "She's up there yelling at someone! I heard their language!"

    Ceru froze up again but Nallaen was quick on the draw. He reached out and grabbed her arm, gripping it tightly. "I have to hide you. Buy you some more time." He would throw his cloak over her head, despite her free arm flailing to remove it, and rushed her away.

    The cries of the hunters and arch mages of the Kirin Tor faded as Ceru struggled to keep up with Nallaen, her steps long and wobbly. The pair traveled for what seemed to be miles before they stopped, Ceru stumbling. Nallaen caught her easily and held her up straight, his arms wrapped tightly around her.

    "You're safe."