Wherever My Wings May Fly P1
Wherever My Wings May Fly
Part 1
Kai was out in The Sanctuary’s beautiful gardens. Her slender form stretched out on a nicely carved cement bench surrounded from the back and sides by well-kept rose bushes. It was early afternoon and the weather was perfect. The sky was the a bright pool of blue. The scattered white clouds only complimented more the sight. It was one of those days that was the perfect temperature and could persuade even the busiest man to doze off in soft grass and get lost in the day. The breeze only added to the comfort of today, a magical mixture of bright sun rays and a soothing wind to keep one from getting too warm. But if it was such a nice day, why did the air reek of blood? It was because of the meeting going on in the Sanctuary, the one Kai should have been attending, but she had no interest in listening. She already knew what was going on and what was to come. The war between angels and demons had been raging on for many centuries, far before the female angels time. But for the last handful of years it was in a stand still, another small attempt to try and make peace between the feuding races. Everyone had high hopes that this would happen, but deep down, most knew it would fail. There was a hate that ran deep in everyone’s veins that could not be eradicated, and thus the plan failed horribly. Kai knew that one well, far more than most. What happened on that last attempt to make peace cut deep in Kai’s heart. The memory of it was like broken glass. Each time she would touch it, pick it up and examine the memory in her hands, it would only cut her. The war erupted in turmoil like never before. It was the last straw, and everyone just wanted the war to end. Each side starting sending out many troops, fighting in numbers and strength. They chose a main battle plain that stretched out for miles. Many miles of grass plains and dirt. The west and north side of the field however was bordered by a thick forest line of tall trees and brush. The demons had a large main base on the ground to the west for all their planning and battle strategies. The Sanctuary, the place Kai called home, was the angels. It was an island in the sky, the most beautiful place Kai knew. It housed high rank angels and those in the war. It was also where they planned out their strategies in the war.
Taking a deep breath through her nose, all the while taking in the roses sweet scent, Kai let herself be thrown into a tranquil state and blocked out all thoughts of the current madness. That state of mind didn’t last much longer, broken when a small, bright orange-red fox with black paws and ears jumped onto Kai’s stomach. “Hey Jinks.” the female chirped with a bright smile as she ran her fingers down the silky fur on his back. Jinks ears perked up as he licked Kai’s cheek and nuzzled her neck. “Hey cut that out.” Kai laughed and ruffled up his fur. “Kai! What do you think your doing out here?” A woman’s voice broke through the laughter and playful barks. Kai quickly sat up, instantly recognizing the voice and knew she was in trouble. “Krystal...Oh I’m umm...you know just enjoying the nice day.” Kai laughed nervously with a sheepish smile. “Why weren’t you at the meeting? You know it was important, this war is serious!” Krystal stressed the last part as she strode closer. Krystal was a relatively tall woman with long silver hair with a blue tint to it. Her eyes were an ice blue that resembled the Arctic Ocean. The golden eyed youth let out a long sigh. “Yeah I know but I already know what’s going on. I don’t need to go to some stupid meeting telling me what I already know, jeez...it’s so obvious.” Kai groaned like the teen she was. “Look I don’t want you getting hurt. I’ve taught you everything you know. You’re like my child, its really dangerous out there Kai and your only 16.” Just listening to Krystal’s voice, one could tell she was an ancient filled with power despite the fact she looked like she was in her early 30's. Kai could tell already that Krystal was about to go on with a long speech so she cut her off. “Yes yes I know, you keep saying the same thing over as of lately. But you know how strong I am and trained me well I mean come on.” Kai lifted Jinks and set him on the bench once she stood up. Extending her beautiful white wings, Kai took flight and flew over to the something of a cliff. The garden was one of the cut offs of the island. Down below you could see the whole battle field. The angel youth held out her hand in front of her. An elegant bow appeared in her hand. It was a long beautiful mixture of while and gold. The string itself was of a beautiful gold colored thread. She then held out her other hand and arrow to match appeared. Drawing the arrow back nice and tight she took aim on a demon far below then let the string go. The arrow shot down with great speed, hitting the demon right in the side of the head and going through the other end. Kai turned to face Krystal. “See...I can do just fine.” she mused while pushing back a stray strand of her long, honey golden hair behind her ear. Kai’s self-satisfied smile was soon to fade when she saw a tear trickle down Krystal’s cheek. “Krystal...what is wrong?” Kai asked quickly moving to her side. She didn’t say anything and instead pulled Kai into her arms and let the tears fall freely. This brought tears to Kai’s own eyes but she held them back. The silence passed momentarily. “You’ll need to go down there soon. Please Kai...be careful.” The woman’s voice sounded a bit cracked and strained for control. Kai nodded as Krystal unraveled her arms from her. “I promise I will.” Kai gave a warm hearted reassuring smile. “I must go...I have many things to do.” Krystal looked at Kai one last time, then left into the main Sanctuary building. Kai sighed out as she thought on the battle. She sat down on the cliff’s edge, legs dangling off the side in the air. Jinks came over and plopped down in her lap, and looked up at her with sad eyes. “Don’t tell me your worrying to, I’ll be fine darn it.” She whined. She was not fan of people worrying over her. It only caused her pain and worry she preferred to suppress. The little fox pup just nuzzled her for comfort. “Well little one, its time for me to get going.” Her voice sounded far away as she got up, setting Jinks to the side. Beautiful wings spread wide, taking large powerful flaps. In three she was off the ground. “I’ll be back tonight I promise.” With that the angel dove down to the battle field.
She picked up speed quickly; her wings were spread out and back, a little like wings on a plane. When within 50 feet of the ground Kai shifted her position to upright and let he wings catch the wind to slow her down like a parachute. In 20 feet of ground she gave a powerful flap of her wings. Miraculously, her feet stopped within inches of the ground. The drift that was carried by her slashed against the ground, kicking dirt up into the air. The ground was littered with bodies in random spots and piles, both demons and angels alike. Kai dared not look to long at the fallen angels in fear of seeing someone she knew. The last thing one wanted when in such a dangerous place was to get distracted. Blood soaked the ground where they bodies have fallen around them. Crimson drops rested against red-orange blades of grass, blood absorbed deep into the soil. Most of the ‘greenery’ on the battle field was tinted red since all of it was watered with the blood of the fallen.
It didn’t take to long for the demons to notice her and attack her. Many came at her all at once. They were all of the lesser sort so she wasn’t to worried. Kai took flight to keep distance. Kai got ready with her bow and arrows and shot them down one by one. Sometimes she would shoot 3 arrows at once when they got to close. She continued to kill them left and right till there was nothing but piles of corpses all around her. A sudden laugh caught her attention as a demon stepped out of the shadows with a smirk on his face. To her surprise he looked normal. Like a normal human but with black wings and had raven hair to match. She would not be fooled by this. From what she learned, it was the ones that looked most normal who were to be most feared. “That was absolutely pathetic, they were weak demons anyway, lets see how you deal with me.” Kai clenched her teeth and glared down at him. “That’s not even a fraction of what I can do. Here let me break you off a bigger piece.” And with that those words the new fight commenced. The combatants threw attacks left and right at each other. Kai was an elemental angel with the power to control lighting. She used that power to call forth huge storm clouds with fierce bolts of lightning arching from cloud to cloud. She used her own concentration to send down individual blots at her adversary and sometimes channeled the lightning into her own arrows to make them all the more deadly. Meanwhile the demon used his own means of power and weapons. He chose to fight with swords and could control shadows. Another rare power for one to exert. The demon male would form the shadows into his hand for an attack or use shadow gates as a mean of transportation. Half way through the fight they stopped for a brief moment to catch their breath. “What’s your name angel?” The demon asked. “Want to know the name of the one who will kill you?” Kai asked cockily and soon the fight was back on. It continued for a while. All the other demons and angels just stayed clear of their fight knowing the danger of getting close. Kai’s adversary truly was the most worthy one she had ever got the pleasure of fighting. He was strong and smart in battle.
Finally Kai managed to get him trapped by forming an electric cage all around him. If he were to ever try and get through it, it would send a nice little jolt through his body. He growled and looked very displeased. Kai stretched out her hand to the cage. Slowly she started to close her hand, with that the cage got smaller. The demon filled the cage with his own energy to try and ward off the closing cage but failed. “That will not work.” She told him with a satisfactory smile. With one tight grip it would all end. “Oh and by the way...my name is Kai.” After those words she clenched her hand into a tight fist causing the cage to close in all the way with a following explosion. Kai flew up and above the smoke. Seconds passed and she looked all the more pleased till the demon appeared behind her. Kai turned quickly to see the demon with such a will to fight. She at least got him good for he was bleeding from multiple places on his body. “Nice to meet you Kai, I’m Shin. It will be a true pleasure when I finally kill you.” He snapped through his teeth. Kai held a look of surprise for a while that he was still moving but then grinned. “Amazing, you’re still alive!” Her tone showed much amazement like she was giving him a compliment. “Nice to meet you as well Shin...now die.” Her voice was cool and collected as she flew up and shot an arrow into his back. Yet again, the fight was heated back up like they didn’t even have a scratch on them. Both enemies were as strong headed as a mule. Their attacks became all the more deadly and soon enough it was night. Both were on their last limbs, barely able to stand.
Kai was starting to let her guard down. A grave mistake. The demon named Shin took that chance to imitate what Kai did to him and engulfed her in a shadow orb. “Well it was nice fighting you Kai; I had a lot of fun.” Shin mused and imploded the orb; Kai closed her eyes tightly knowing she didn’t have time to defend herself. After the large explosion she opened her eyes seeing she didn’t feel a thing. A blue energy barrier surrounded Kai’s body while a needle was thrown into Shins leg. “Great, look what you’ve gotten yourself into.” A new male’s voice came out in the distance, while the energy barrier disappeared from around Kai. “Daichi!” Kai called out in alarm. A handsome male of 19 years landed on the ground next to Kai. Kai noticed the needle in Shin’s leg and knew it was poisoned, it was Daichi’s specialty. Kai landed back on the ground. “What do you think you’re doing? This is my fight, not yours.” She complained, feeling embarrassed that he saved her. It probably saved her life, but she was to strong headed to care. Daichi looked at Kai with cold eyes, clearly not in the mood. “Shut up Kai!” He yelled in a sharp voice. ‘Swallow that pride, don’t be stupid.” Kai didn’t talk back to him for the moment. She didn’t deal well with yelling. Her eyes slowly looked over at Shin. It was clear he was feeling the effects of whatever he was poisoned with. His eyes filled with anger staring right at Daichi. “You son of a...” His words were cut off by a grimace “I’ll get you for this.” His eyes then focused on Kai with the same hatred. “You should be ashamed of yourself, have you no honor?” Shin snarled as he reached down and ripped the needle out of this leg. “We have a battle to finish.” Shin added. Kai was starting to feel really pathetic. She knew Shins words to be true. They may say all is fair in love and war but they were fighting an unspoken honorable fight. Kai gave a nod in agreement to the continuation of their fight, but Daichi stepped in front of Kai. “This isn’t going any further unless you want to fight me. You have a lot of guts, but you won’t be able to move for long.” Daichi mused, having silent satisfaction. “Then again I can’t tell whether you are extremely brave, or extremely foolish. But like I said, you won’t be able to move for long. That poison is meant to paralyze, not kill you, but I assume you’ll die of blood lose anyway.” His satisfaction bubbled up to the surface with each word. Daichi’s stare got icy cold again when he looked back at Kai. “Kai, go back now...that’s an order.” His voice was hard and firm. “No, Daichi this is my fight. I can handle it.” Despite all common sense, she debated with him. Shin was getting sick of their bickering by now, and Daichi’s presence most of all. “We will finish this, Kai.” He spat her name out, blocking out Daichi like he wasn’t even there. “I at least have the decency to do so.” With that he took flight and flew at her with his blades. His legs and waist were already numb and useless and the poison was progressing. Kai was ready to fight; she wanted badly to show she wasn’t weak and could handle herself, though with Daichi she knew it wasn’t going to happen. As she expected, he stopped the attack using just his hands to catch the blades. “This battle is done for the day, try as you want while you still can but she’s leaving.” His voice was strong with resolve as he pushed the blades back, and with that, Shin. “You aren’t her keeper, and she’s old enough to make her own decisions. Now step aside!” The demon yelled. The male angel darkly laughed. “Far to the contrary, I am her higher up so if I tell her to leave she better damn well do it. Not only that but she is my fiancée...I think I have more than a say over her.”
Taking in a deep breath Kai looked down at the little gold band wrapping itself over her ring finger. The piece of jewelry that had been binding her to him for years. Just one of the after affect results from that horrible last attempt at peace. Her hands clenched into tight little fists. “One day, I will kill you, and know this when you die, it will be slow and excruciatingly painful, got that?” The demon Shin looked past Daichi, then and to Kai. “You, I expect you to gain respect for yourself and your opponents, and not have someone else fight for you. We will meet again.” With his last amount of strength he opened a shadow gate and disappeared. Daichi only smirked at his words. “Typical words of a low life demon.” He mused and flew back to the Sanctuary. Kai just stood there, her hands clenched so tightly her palms started to bleed. Shin’s words were like sharp daggers, each one hitting her dead on. She hated the thought of it. She would have never allowed Daichi to interfere like that if she could have prevented it. The wretched feeling angel flew back to the Sanctuary and headed to her room. She got herself cleaned up and treated her wounds. Hours of the night passed, and despite her energy lose, she could not sleep. Her body was worn but her mind was still yelling at her with no mercy. She wanted to make things right! She wanted to do something to set things even! Most would have thought her ludicrous for worrying over a demon foe, but her honor was on the line. Then it hit her, she knew what she could do to set things straight.
Kai quickly headed out of her room and down the long halls of the Sanctuary. She snuck into Daichi’s private room where he kept all his poisons and their antidotes. There were many vials, but she found the right antidote to what he got Shin with. Without a second thought she took the little vile and flew down into the forest a mile from the demon base, where she continued on foot. Once near by, she needed to disguise herself. She took the cloths off a dead demon near by and threw them on. Her golden hair she twirled up and hid in a hat. The most important thing she made sure to do before getting into the demon cloths was to retract her wings into her back. They were the symbol of her angelic being. Taking a deep breath to calm her nerves, she then entered the demon base. There were many long narrow halls with multiple doors. Thankfully, do to the time of day...well night, there were not many demons running about. It wasn’t till she was lost in the maze of halls that she realized she didn’t know how she would find him. Kai had a tendency to act before she thought at times. Her mind started to turn over thoughts on the poison and its affects. Of course there was the paralysis, but Daichi’s poisons were always special. “Pain!” She thought to herself. Sharp pains were another side effect. Kai started to smile to herself at the remembrance of this. Most of the time when there was someone in pain they made noise. Kai was soon rewarded with the sound of a loud scream. Bingo! That was what she was looking for. Without a moment’s thought she quickly followed the screams of pain. There was no doubt that it was Shin. The angel found herself outside a single door. Music was blaring from it as well. Probably to hide all the crying out. Some good that was doing. Kai acted like a normal solider and bravely walked in. Shin was lying on the bed enduring the pain best he could. Kai kept her face to the ground as an extra precaution. With Shin’s stubborn personality it took a while to convince him to let her help. In the end he ended up passing out. Kai was easily able to pour the antidote down his throat. Despite all common sense, she waited for him to wake to make sure it worked alright and he had no more symptoms. That was a mistake. He easily figured out who she was, now that he was in his right senses, and made her give and explanation. After about another hour they declared things were even, and Kai left to the Sanctuary to rest.
Thing started to get very mixed up and different after that. But it was a good kind of mixed up. At least Kai thought so. The two met on the battle field about five days later when they recovered. They started up a new fight and thankfully there were no interruptions from anyone else. Though this time their fight was less violent. Both gained a greater respect for each other and even in their fight, many side conversations kept popping up. From there, things only got stranger. Every time they met up on the battle field they fought less and less till they pretty much were just talking with one another. Having small little conversations about their life and the life around them. The once enemies fighting so ruthlessly were...dare one say, friends? Shin was even so bold as to go up to the Sanctuary with out a disguise. Kai had to quickly pretend to take care of him, suggesting she was going to kill him. But in truth, she just dragged him to the woods and yelled at him, asking what he was thinking. Shin found it to be nothing less than amusing, giving a boyish smile. The weeks passed like minutes and the two just closer than ever. It became a habit for Kai to pretend to go off to the battle field and fight and just skip it all to be with Shin. Kai didn’t realize Krystal was noticing the changes. Her mentor was noticing the fact she was getting more enthusiastic about going to fight. Not only that, but she hardly came back with a scratch on her. Needless to say, she was being very careless. Though neither would admit to it, they had fallen for each other.
Kai’s laughter chimed through the air and was carried by the wind. It was a cloudy Sunday evening and Shin and herself were hanging out in the woods by the battle field. They started up a contest of how many demons they could kill from a distance in one single blow. Shin no longer cared that it was his own kind. Not when they started attacking him with murderous intentions, wanting nothing more than to spill his blood. Somehow a demon figured out Shin befriended Kai, and saw him as a traitor. Word spread to other demons quickly after that, and now he was a target. Kai could tell it bothered him, but he hid it most of the time. She felt kind of special in a way. Shin never showed shame about being with her. A sudden voice caught Kai’s attention. It was one which she didn’t recognize, but whoever it was they were calling her name. The angel quickly pushed Shin behind the tree they were by, and then moved herself in the open. By the badge the male angel was wearing, he was a messenger. He spoke of a mission she was to get on immediately. Some angels were taken captive at the demon base. Kai was to go in there and retrieve them. She had a funny feeling a little to-be husband might have suggested this, since she successfully snuck into the base before. In retrospect, it wasn’t a bad choice. She knew what the inside looked like, and one could say she has experience. Once the messenger left, she went back to Shin telling him what she must do. He insisted that he come along to help but it would be far too easy for the demons to recognize him and attack. He eventually gave in and instead, helped her in giving away information to where they would most likely be. Shin gave her some quick directions to the general location and soon she was off. To ensure herself, Kai put herself in the same demon rig she wore the first time she entered enemy territory.
Kai walked in with a lot more confidence. She stood tall, her eyes stayed dead ahead. This was real business now. Her beloved people were captive; there was no room for fault. The golden eyed youth followed Shins directions completely. Luckily for Kai, once she got in the general area she was yet again rewarded with a sound. Small sobs were her new directions, written all out in sound. Kai came across an old steal door. It was dented in numerous spots, mainly at chest height. Rust colored blood painted the door randomly. One looked like a twisted hand print. Other spots were just splattered drops. Kai opened the door an inch and peered inside. It was a poorly lit room. In this room there were no electrical lights, only some torches on the wall. She saw a family in the back huddled together. There was a mother and father with two little boys. Kai stepped in further so they could see her better. “Kai!” The mother called to her with happy eyes to see the angel. She was like a symbol of hope to them in this dark hour. Kai strode over to them with hastily wasting no time to go over an evacuation plan. The plan was interrupted by a demon guard. He called to some other guards and their exit became blocked. “Damn it.” Kai sighed out, wanting this to go smoother. She wasn’t sure she could get so many safely out of enemy territory on her own. She was in need of another plan. Without really thinking she reached out to Shin telepathically. Through their time together he taught her to connect with him on a mental wave link. It acted like their own private telephone when they were apart. She was now greatly thankful for this at such a time. It went from a useful play line to a help line.
“Shin, I need you to open a shadow gate that acts as a portal from the room I’m in to where you are. Quickly!” Shin wasted no time in responding. “Alright, merge your mind with mine and let me use your eyes so I can see where you are.” He responded to her calmly. Kai did as he said. “Ok, do as I say. A portal is going to arrive soon. You guys are going to go through it.” She started to explain to the family, now positioning herself between them and the demons. “Hey, what the hell do you think you’re doing?” One demon demanded, moving closer to her. Kai paid no attention to any of them. She needed to finish explaining to the family. “I’m going to tell you this now. The portal is going to lead to a demon. Don’t be scared. I promise you with my life you’ll be safe with him. Tell him that Kai says to take you guys to the Sanctuary.” The demons didn’t like the sound of this and charged at her. Kai quickly started to fight them off. The portal formed in the corner of the room. The family looked skeptical about it. “Hurry, run through now!” She commanded of them. The parents both picked up a child and went through the portal. She had no time to get to the shadow gate, one wrong turn and it could take her life.
It disappeared moments later. The demons were gaining the upper hand. Far too close to use her arrows, they got her cornered and their hands on her. “Well well, seems we have a new, beautiful captive.” The demon who spoke appeared to be the higher up of the rest in the room. They dragged her down to the dreary basement with forceful hands. There were many dead bodies scattered on the floor. Fear painted the faces even in death. “Damn it! Let go of me you.” Kai tired to struggle free but it was a futile effort with so many demons suppressing her. Yet again her mind needed to start running on a new escape plan.
Her train of thought was interrupted when the higher up moved his hand to her chin and forced her to look at him. A devilish grin played on his lips. Those demon eyes perfected the look. “Lets...cute her wings off.” His voice was a smooth blend of dark promise. Kai’s eyes shot wide, her heart skipped a beat or two. “What?” Her voice was barely in a whisper. “Ha! That go her to shut up...come on boys, lets clip this birdies wings.” They laughed and dragged her over to a device built into the wall. A large slot was carved a few inches back, shaped perfectly to fit a regular sized pair of wings. At the ceiling was a large blade. It was like a guillotine one could say. “No...please stop.” Kai’s voice trembled with fear. “The tables have turned now angel serves you right.” One of the lesser’s shouted with great exhilaration. Kai started to lose her cool fast. Her heart rate shot up, pounding within her chest. “Now, let’s see those wings of yours.” The higher up threw her body tot he ground, having the other demons hold her to keep her there. They took off the heavy coat she had on, and then ripped the back of her shirt. Kai kept her wings in her back. That didn’t stop them though. The higher up dug his nails into her back, calling upon her wings to come forth. Kai let out a loud, stomach turning, scream. A scream of pain. A scream of fear. Once the demon got his hands on her wings, he yanked them out. Kai could feel blood dripped down her back staining her beautiful wings. “Relax sweetheart, were going to have a lot of fun.” He whispered into her ear, and then yanked her up from the cold ground with her wings. The fearful angel let out another scream. They fitted her into the device. Kai tired desperately to retract her wings into her back, but each time she tried, the others would dig their nails into them. Kai was no longer acting like herself at all. She struggled immensely, kicking and pleading. The blood was draining from her face, making her completion very pale. An angels wings were their pride. They symbolized the angel and their purity. To have an angel lose their wings was like losing their life. Death seemed a better fate to them. “No no no no.” She cried out, thrashing her body this way and that. “Don’t! Don’t make me suffer the same fate.” She pleaded. The main demon with that condescending smirk grabbed the rope that controlled the blade above. “To late little birdie, you need to pay for taking our hostages.” All of the men just laughed at her pathetic state. “Ready boys?” His had was very ready to let go of the rope.
To be continued...
Wherever My Wings May Fly P1
Snipers Angel
This is a short story (which isn't all in that short) that I wrote for my schools literacy magazine. I had to rush through it a bit to get it done on the due date so it is not perfect, but I still believe it turned out well. Anywho, this is a story based off a role play topic I made a while ago called Wars Cold Touch. This story revolves around my char. Kai, and her lover Shin who was played by Hellsmann. I hope you all enjoy ^^
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