• Prologue

    They say whoever controls the Seasons controls the Earth. Believe it or not, there is actually a legend behind this saying. Sit down fellow children, I have a story to tell you all. As haunting as it may seem, it had happened long ago, in an ancient land. If you do not believe in this "fantasy", as humans call it, I suggest you leave now. Only those who are willing to believe are willing to hear.
    The Forbidden castle of Season is where this all takes place, my friends. Season's Castle is the key entrance to Season's Land. But first, I must tell you who Season is. That's right, Season was actually a person. A king to be specific, and a mighty one at that. He ruled over his land, being able to control all the seasons of the earth. Protecting his people from fierce storms with his power, he was respected by many. But not all respect power, as a matter of fact. Some become green with jealousy, and want the power for themselves. This is the reason many people hated the king, which eventually lead to his death.
    A war reigned on for decades, because many do not wish for one person to control all the seasons, while others believed the power rightfully belonged to them. One dark day, the war had finally ended, for the King was finally killed by an assassin in a bloody manner, being slit at the throat and drained of blood.. The assassin hoped that after killing the king, he could claim his power, but he was horribly wrong.
    King Season had four children, each one of them were named after each of the seasons; The two daughters were Winter and Autumn, and the two sons where Spring and Summer. King Season had a small necklace in the shape of a diamond, and it had four parts to it. When he died, his necklace separated into those four parts, The Jewel of the Ice, the Jewel of the Leaves, the Jewel of the Sun, and the Jewel of the Earth. As you can guess, Winter became in possession of the Jewel of the Ice, giving her power over Winter. Autumn claimed the Jewel of the Leaves, giving her power over Autumn. Summer had the Jewel of the Sun, giving him the power of Summer, and Spring claimed the Jewel of the Earth, giving him power over Spring. Each of the Jewels were permanently engraved into the foreheads, even part of their skulls.
    The Castle of Season had been sealed off after King Season died, and his children were permanently trapped in the castle, forced to control their Season while lost in their own world, which gave the children the names, "The Guardians of the Seasons", because they protect their powers from all evil. But, they say that all guardians had died off 5 years ago, which is why we can not control the weather.
    Four tombstones are all thats left in the castle, one each representing each child, protected with a seal and a riddle. They say that if you break the seal and riddle, a door is opened to the corresponding tombstone's land. The Land of Winter, Summer, Autumn, and Spring.
    But just recently, a rumor has started.
    They say the seals for the land of Autumn and Winter have been broken, and the riddle on the tombstone of Winter solved, with the riddle of Autumn yet to be solved. With this news, thousands of explorers have entered Winter's Land, hoping to find a piece of Season's Jewel necklace. But just even more recently, the people have been saying that whoever enters Winter's land is found frozen alive the next morning. Which could mean one thing, there is still hope that the Guardians are still alive.
    Many people have gone into Winter's land, and have had only a glimpse of a dark hooded figure, possibly Winter herself. no one really knows, but the quest or Season's Jewel has began; the quest for ultimate power. This is where the journey begins...