• Images of my family and the vapires flew past me in multicolored blurs as i serched for Evan. The sun was begining to rise, signaling the battle comeing to a close. The sky was barely beginging to brighten. Dawn was comeing.
    Thats when i found him, fighting off another Vampire. He and his family all fighting for our side insted of their own, fighting along side the wearwolves.
    Hed managed to fend off his attacker and turned to me. "Evan" I shoouted "the sun." We both smiled beliveing the battle was over. The smile faded as Vladmir appered behind his lost son, the tooth of a 'wolf' in his hands. My heart pounded. "Evan behind you"
    He turned but it was too late. Vladmir drove the tooth into Evans cheast. Evan and I screamed at the same time as the sun finally came up. The battle was over. I rushed over to Evans side, bent down beside him and held his hand. He was holding back screams of pain. I knew it was over. There was no way to stop it. He was dieing right in front of me.
    "Evan please no."
    "Alex.....im so...sorry"
    "The battle is over Evan its done."
    "Alex I..... I love you"
    He could no longer hold in his pain. He let out the most horrible scream id ever heard. Tears streamed down my face. "Please dont go Evan I love you!" His screams stopped, his hand losed its gripp and i knew the he was gone Forever.