• "My name would happen to be Alchemy Axiom, A-L-C-H-E-M-Y space A-X-I-O-M."
    Mi mama sed that Alchemy was a speshul name,a name that can live on when I'm ded and rottin.
    Mama left bee-fore I lurned what "Axiom" ment, so I looked it up in the dic-shun-airy and it said some-thing about a "postulate." I still did not under-stand.

    She would not buge or tell me my reel last name, bee cuz she sed it wos a name to be aye shamed of.

    She wos gone bee for she told me that,tooo.

    I can not reed or rite or spell vary gud. I tri to l-e-a-r-n about spell-ing and rite,no w-r-i-t-e, writing, and mi cownselor sed writing was a good waay to tri. I neeed to learn,so i can have money wen I git ol-der.Ha, is it not funny that money is a word we can all say,spell, and write?
    I cud drop owt soon, I am in 6th grayd,13 yeers. I onli fayled the yeer mi mama left.
    I think that is wi she did.

    I was telleeng her that I cud hear voices that aparentlee no won else herd. The voyses told me to cut my self,so i bee gan to reech for a steak nife. Mi mama grabed mi han-d.

    I wuz only SIHX! SIHX! Wi was I cursed?!

    I was l--e-a-r-n-i-n-g to spell, but the voyses told me to stop trying. They screemed so loud,they scared me mutch

    I started spelling fun-et-i-cal-lee,and my teachers called me "illiterate"

    No,I am not 'illiterate."
    I have a mind.
    I can spell most werds.
    And when I try reely hard, I can do what I want.